Top 10 Best Online Platforms to Find an Investor for Your Startup 2020 Part 2: Biotech

Sourcing money for a biotech startup company can be a challenge

Chris Boucher
8 min readJun 23, 2020

There are plenty of options out there, but it can be hard to make the best assessment for your business. From family offices to business angels to crowdfunding to grants, it can be difficult working out what type of investment to go for.

After all, every company has unique requirements when it comes to funding. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed when it comes to finding the best investor for your biotech company, then you might want to read below.

As a private request from one of my readers, I decided to do my best to put down 10 best online platforms to help you find an investor for your startup in biotech. You can check the first part more dedicated to hardware startups.

10. Hyde Park Angel Network



Chris Boucher

Former Biologist | Amateur Guitarist | Amateur Brewer | Product Development Consultant | Business Strategist | Bar Owner | Living & Working in China