Go to The IX-Files
The IX-Files
The IX-Files is a place for survivors of violence, harassment, and discrimination to share their stories, thoughts, and art, with a particular dedication to pieces from those whose narratives are often silenced in mainstream anti-violence activism.
Note from the editor

The IX-Files is a place for survivors of violence, harassment, and discrimination to share their stories, thoughts, and art, with a particular dedication to pieces from those whose narratives are often silenced in mainstream anti-violence activism.

Go to the profile of Amelia Roskin-Frazee
Amelia Roskin-Frazee
Writer of things likely to be banned, Founder & President of The Make It Safe Project, thorn in the sides of Columbia University admin; aroskinfrazee.com
Go to the profile of Amelia Roskin-Frazee
Amelia Roskin-Frazee
Writer of things likely to be banned, Founder & President of The Make It Safe Project, thorn in the sides of Columbia University admin; aroskinfrazee.com
Go to the profile of Joe Gizzi
Joe Gizzi
Creative strategist by day. Writer by night. Queer progressive, idealist, adventurer, husband, dad, art, film & music geek all of the time
Go to the profile of Jordan
Go to the profile of joao-vitorr
Go to the profile of Patricia A. Smith
Patricia A. Smith
Artist, Author, Actress. Too creative for your own good. Highest unpaid stay-at-home comedienne. And other things, too.
Go to the profile of Lillian Dam Bracia
Lillian Dam Bracia
Lillian (Lils Dbz) is an Afro-Brazilian living in Europe, curious to explore topics of race, gender and culture wherever she steps in.
Go to the profile of Braden Turner
Braden Turner
Gather your fear & move ever onward—there’s always a new story to tell. • Grad Student. English Instructor. Outspoken sci-fi video game nerd.
Go to the profile of Cressa
Cressa has nothing in particular that qualifies her to write what she writes, except that she is the one who went ahead and wrote it.
Go to the profile of Allison Washington
Allison Washington
Journalist & essayist. Reporting from Cairo.
Go to the profile of Sydney Tucker