He had seen it but “I may not get there with you…but I’ve seen the promised land.”
Chris Rock –our next black president– tells the white people in his audience: “None of you -not one- would trade…
Eleven Afghan wars ago the black person was -politically- three-fifths of a white person. If you were…
You’ll be fed less. Or, not fed at all.
In this mind experiment you’re a coffee and doughnut cop. You are not a sadist or a bully or a racist. You have no agenda. No axe to grind. You like people, like serving them and protecting them. Maybe being a cop is what you’re supposed to be.
Seven Grand.
That’s all they got. The white family has sixteen times as much.
Facts don’t care whether you face them or turn away. Either way, the fact remains…
This thought experiment: Suppose you hate Black People? Suppose you think they’re inferior; lazier, more criminal, dumber, uglier? And, that the country would be better off without them?
How would you get rid of them?
“My name is George Bowie. I lived in a racist country.
I was sold in Memphis in the summer of 1839. Got four hundred dollars for me. Thought that was pretty good for three-fifths of a human. That’s how the government counted me.