Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Edward Punales
The Junction
Published in
1 min readMay 5, 2019



Ignorance is slavery,
Chained to the lies,
You never dared question.
A life lived in shadow.

Ignorance is loneliness,
A life lived in four walls,
Wallowing in stagnation,
At despair for nothing to live for,
Unaware of the beauties and adventures of life,
Beyond the borders of your mind.

Ignorance is death,
From fear of the unknown,
Starving in a cave,
From a beast that doesn’t exist,
Because you dare not peak beyond the edge of the cave,
To see if it’s really there.

The world is an ocean in a storm,
The free learn to swim,
The ignorant drown.



Edward Punales
The Junction

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: https://medium.com/@edwardpgames/my-bibliography-6ad2c863c6be