Mike and Toto

Edward Punales
The Junction
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2020



Mike ran into Donnie’s office sweating like a mad man.

“Are you alright?” Donnie put down his iPhone. Mike collapsed into the chair across from him.

“I…I don’t…oh my God I’ve lost her.” Mike started hyperventilating.

“Lost who? What happened?”

“God forgive me! She’s gone and I’ll never see her again!” Mike put his head in his hands, and began to sob.

Donnie called in his son Barry. The ten-year-old boy sat next to Mike, and began to gently pat the crying man on the back.

“It’s okay,” Barry said, his voice soft and soothing. He let Mike’s head rest on his shoulder. “Everything is gonna be okay.” Mike eventually stopped crying. He took a moment to compose himself, before explaining the situation.

“I lost my German Shepherd, Toto, in the park.”

“Just go back to the park and find her.” Donnie said.

“I can’t. There was an event going on in the park. She ran right into it. If I’m to find her, I need to go into that event.”


“It’s a gay pride rally.”

Donnie fell from his chair, and began to laugh manically on the floor. Mike told him it wasn’t funny, but Donnie didn’t agree. After what felt like hours (but was really just under two minutes)…



Edward Punales
The Junction

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: https://medium.com/@edwardpgames/my-bibliography-6ad2c863c6be