Musings from Zanzibar

Personal Journal and Photographs, Day 3

Stephen M. Tomic
The Junction
4 min readOct 10, 2018


Perhaps my favorite sunset of the entire trip.

Sunday, 26/08/2018

Today is the laziest of days. My stupidity of yesterday got the best of me. It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that I spent too much time in the sun, and last night, I paid a steep price. At least I applied sunblock to my most fragile body parts — my face and shoulders — yet what’s funny, if funny is indeed the word for it, is now the very tops of my shoulders are still the color of a pastry cream while all surrounding areas are a livid shade of pink. Alas…

I wrote of this yesterday but had no idea at the time how much more painful it would get. Before dinner, we went to the beach bar and ordered piña coladas, strangely made with gin instead of rum, but they were nonetheless good, and though the temperature was still in the mid-20s centigrade, my legs were shaking in a way that would remind you of chattering teeth.

After dinner, consisting of a yummy potato and leek soup followed by grilled king fish and rice (having met the guy delivering the fish, I had zero doubts about its freshness), it was an early bedtime by 9:30, however, I did read some more Proust before shuteye. My skin was radiating so much heat I felt like parts of my body were on fire, especially my ankles, stomach, back, and tricepts.

I woke around 1:00 to get a drink and then lay there for the next few hours, tossing and turning to find a position that might alleviate some pain and find some modicum of comfort. Woke at 8:15 for good and felt sore, like my skin had been cured for leather. Suntanning is so dumb.

After breakfast, I returned to the room to nap for 2 more hours undisturbed while D. lounged about near the sea. Then, I changed and liberally applied sunscreen everywhere before going poolside, where I’ve been sitting the last several hours in the shade. The shifting equatorial sun, however, still wants to kiss my tender flesh. I think perhaps in a while we might take a boat out and see if we don’t fall in.

Now it’s about 6:30 p.m., an hour before dinner. Just finished watching a lovely sunset while drinking a Safari lager. I went on the boat earlier and paddled quite far out with a wooden oar before turning around. I took a quick dip in the sea afterwards.

Before all that, I thought to try my hand at a story tentatively called The Pacifist, though I have my doubts it will turn into anything of significance. The ideas aren’t flowing so well and the prose is drivel. I wish I could make some headway with the book but I don’t know where to pick up the thread.

I wrote this poem instead. It may look familiar to some of you…

Tonight, I’ll eat beef stew with Zanzibar spices and a baked potato. Tomorrow, we will rise at dawn since we have an appointment with dolphins.

Thanks, as always, for reading. Catch up on days 1 and 2. Day 4 will be published next Wednesday, October 17th. In the mood for some fiction? Check out my latest tale, courtesy of Lit Up.

Personally, I found low tide to be breathtaking. It looked slightly different every day.
A foursquare of dusk.

