The Husk

Edward Punales
The Junction
Published in
1 min readJul 21, 2018
Photo by Asikul Islam Himel

The Husk has no name. It belongs to no species or animal. It is neither ghost, spirit, demon, nor angel. It was not born, or created.

It lives deep in the swamp, moving over the water, among the trees, soundlessly gliding across the rough, soggy terrain.

The Husk is shaped like a man, but it doesn’t look like one. It has no eyes, hair, or mouth. Its body emits an eerie white glow, as though a ball of light has come to life, and is trying to be human.

The Husk is nothing; a coagulation of the remnants of whatever was left after God created the universe. It has a consciousness, a body loosely composed of radioactive particles, and a desperate need to belong.

But it has no soul or purpose. It has wandered the stars and planets for eons, trying to find a reason for being. Maybe one day it can find one.



Edward Punales
The Junction

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: