Do Women Have to Do Everything?

Women fighting for rights that men benefit from.

Sweet Honeylu
The Left Is Right


Woman frustrated.
Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

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Regarding Roe v. Wade, everyone talks about the benefits for women, but I don’t think we spend enough time pointing out the benefits men receive. This is ironic, since so many men were in favor of overturning it.

Roe not only moved abortions out of the back alleys, but it also helped define the contours of the right to privacy, which protects individuals from unwarranted governmental interference in private affairs.

Roe V. Wade not only provided for the freedom for a woman to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the first trimester, it also guaranteed protections for the average citizen from government overreach into their healthcare needs. Men didn’t pick up on this little nuance or just didn’t care. Men cut off their own noses to spite their own faces.

My mind goes back to this mother who had to abort her non-viable fetus which both her and her husband were very much anticipating on having. Even their five-year-old little daughter Adalie was looking forward to having a little sister.

Her eyes got big, and her jaw just dropped open when I told her the news. Every night after that, she sang Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star to my belly. She’d kiss my belly every night before bed. -Allie Phillips

Then, the news came suddenly and was soul-crushing.

Old picture of an ultrasound machine.
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Hopes and dreams came to a sudden halt when the doctor came into their room where they had just had an ultrasound done.

The doctor began to rattle off an endless list of significant ailments afflicting their nineteen-week unborn daughter.

The organs affected:







The kidneys, stomach, and bladder weren’t functioning. Her heart had only two working chambers, and her lungs had not developed at all. Miley Rose Phillips wouldn’t even make it to birth.

“Not compatible with life outside the womb.”

Those chilling words sank like a knife.

Of course, this wasn’t enough. The Right-Wing Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian Nationalist contingent in Tennessee thought it a good idea to enact some of the most anti-abortion legislation in the nation forcing her to travel over one thousand miles to New York to get the procedure. During the mandatory ultrasound at the clinic, she was informed that no fetal heartbeat was detected. If she had remained in Tennessee, there’s no guarantee that she would have received the healthcare services she needed.

Phillips secured a meeting with Republican Jeff Burkhart to express her concerns with the lack of healthcare women receive for doomed pregnancies and his flippant response was that he wasn’t aware that women could even miscarry after the first pregnancy.

Photo by Jussara Paulo on Unsplash

Ye gods, spare us all from this monumental stupidity and ignorance. Needless to say, she is now running for office for his seat.

So, this is where we are at. For women to secure their freedoms and get basic healthcare, they must run for office or risk losing it.

Thank you for reading. 🌺

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Sweet Honeylu
The Left Is Right

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.