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The Liberal Circle
An inviting home for free thought; philosophy, politics, personal essays and poetry. No magical “self-help”, “How To Become Successful on Medium” or “How to Write Better.” No constraints. No pampering. No strict publication rules or agenda. Just Discourse & High quality Writing.
Note from the editor

A great place for like-minded individuals (or not) to present their case on the world. If you are looking for a publication that is all about content for Readers, not just Writers, then sit down, park up and enjoy. All are welcome, for those who have a voice — or those who wish to find a home for their burning fingers to speak their truth. This isn’t a place where you will learn quick tips to write better. This is a place to read better writing.

Go to the profile of Sam Dobedoe
Sam Dobedoe
Owner@ https://medium.com/the-liberal-circle British. Student. Filmmaker. Writer. Philosophy. Politics. Society.