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The Lindberg Interviews
The Lindberg Interviews
Interviews with leading tech entrepreneurs and web designers, conducted by @oliverlindberg at @netmag.
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Interview with Doug Bowman: the design secrets behind 2010’s #NewTwitter

Influential designer and Twitter’s creative director, Doug Bowman talks exclusively to Oliver Lindberg about the design process that led to the new Twitter.com, the value of intensive user testing and his

Interview with Andy Clarke

It’s about time we stopped making compromises. Andrew Clarke sits down with Oliver Lindberg to explain his theory of “hardboiled web design” and how we can use CSS3 to its fullest extent

Interview with Dan Cederholm

Dan Cederholm discovered web standards and never looked back. He talks to Oliver Lindberg about what’s got him excited again about CSS, how to implement CSS3 and what’s next for his designers’ playground, Dribbble

Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman

Jeffrey Zeldman could be called the godfather of web standards. Oliver Lindberg catches up with him to talk about the current state of play, how to improve standards and how web designers can survive the economic downturn