Update: Charity on Chain — ~12 Million in September and October

The Link — Art Blocks
3 min readOct 30, 2021
Augmented Sequence #66 — toiminto

It’s been almost two months since the last charity update, and it’s time to tally the numbers once again. For those new to Art Blocks, here is a brief timeline of donations facilitated on Art Blocks. From November to May, there was 300k raised. From May to August 2.3m. And in August alone, 23.5m was raised. That brought the total donations facilitated through the platform to ~26m dollars.

Since the craziness of August, things have slowed down, but nonetheless, artists are still raising a ton of money with their projects to the tune of an additional ~12m.

For those keeping track at home, that brings the total donations facilitated on the platform to just over ~$38m.

I breakdown the projects and charities below, but first, here is a MAJOR DISCLAIMER:

Due to the nature of Ethereum value fluctuations and different tax laws, the numbers in this article are most likely not accurate. Some charities have a crypto wallet, making it easy to send their donations via Art Blocks’ smart contract. Other charities have red tape to work through before they can accept large donations. Also, tax obligations are all over the map and vary greatly. This article is meant to give the community a general idea of donation totals, not exact numbers.

To arrive at these totals, I either 1) asked the artists for the total donated, 2) asked the artist for the ETH (or stable coin) set aside for the charity, or 3) calculated the totals based on the amount pledged and the price of Ethereum on the day the project sold out.

Last, some charities are not equipped to accept crypto donations, or they won’t accept large donations from unknown donors, so the charities are subject to change at the artists’ discretion. However, the pledged amount will not change.

[Amount | Charity | Project | Artist(s)]

· $3,100 split between Animal Equality, Fondazione Veronesi, and A.I.R.C via Mental pathways by fabianospeziari and donnoh.

· $5,000 for Artists at Risk Connection via spawn by John Provencher.

· $8,000 for No Kid Hungry via mono no aware by ixnayokay.

· $72,360 for Creative Coding Utrecht via Dot Grid by TheElephantNL.

· $115,000 split between Legal Aid of Arkansas and The Covered Bus-Step Project via Himinn by Sarah Ridgley.

· $125,000 for Donors Choose via Letters to My Future by Ryan Struhl.

· $159,000 to projects related to healthcare, art, science, and technology via UltraWave 369 by Beervangeer.

· $169,000 to Generative Art Fund via 444(4) by Shvembldr.

· $170,000 to Greenpeace via Gravity 16 by Jimmy Herdberg.

· $180,000 to Lanchonete<>Lanchonete via We by Vamoss.

· $181,000 to Texas Equal Access Fund via Blaschke Ballet by NumbersInMotion.

· $182,000 to Electronic Frontier Foundation via a heart and a soul by Roman Janajev.

· $254,000 to Generative Art Fund via Tangled by Superblob.

· $303,000 to UNICEF NZ via mecha suits by hideo.

· $333,000 split between causes like A Walk on Water, The Alan Watts Foundation, Planned Parenthood, local LGBTQ+ organizations, and supporting emerging generative artists via Rituals — Venice by Aaron Penne and Boreta.

· $566,000 to American Civil Liberties Union via Wave Schematics by luxpris.

· $672,000 to GiveDirectly via Democracity by Generative Artworks.

· $983,000 to Processing Foundation via Phototaxis by Casey Reas.

· $3,573,000 to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières Australia via Skulptuur by Piter Pasma.

· $$3,765,000 to Processing Foundation via Meridian by Matt DesLauriers.

