DAPP Network is Making Massive Moves on Ethereum

A Multi-Sig Bridge for Shuttling Tokens to the ERC20 Standard and Back Is On Its Way!

DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog
4 min readAug 24, 2020


What would you do if you had potentially all of the world’s liquidity at your fingertips?

Connecting liquidity across multiple chains and ecosystems can expand DeFi’s horizon while retaining that feeling of seamless composability we’ve come to expect from the sector. DAPP Network makes it all possible.

Now it’s time for the DAPP Network to take a much-anticipated step on Ethereum. The vibrant and growing community of Ethereum developers would be able to unlock a range of functionalities, including gas-reduced transactions, innovative oracles and sharding, that can help catalyze their dApps into mainstream adoption everyone wants to see. On the other hand, developers on other ecosystems can take advantage of DAPP Network’s multi-chain capabilities and dip into the plentiful pool of Ethereum liquidity.

DAPP Network DSPs are invited to a Bridge Activation Party! Take part in the DAPP Network’s collaborative efforts to create the code and set up the infrastructure that will allow for tokens to flow freely to Ethereum and back.

On 05–06/09/2020 (the first weekend of September 2020), the DAPP Network will come together to deploy a bridge to Ethereum. DSPs will work together during the weekend while completing a list of requirements that will allow their infrastructure to actively take part in the cross-chain bridge.

In a time of social distance, the DAPP Network will celebrate the building of bridges that connect us. We can’t wait to see you there.

Let us and the community know which tokens you would like to see on Ethereum by chatting with us on Telegram.

Ethereum Interoperability Is Coming Full Circle

The DAPP Network is an advanced, robust layer-2-Plus technology (layer-2 is old news…), that has the potential to catapult Ethereum towards enterprise-grade scale. dApps on Ethereum are perfect candidates for its native oracles, IPFS hosting, dApp-specific chains and other features in addition to enabling cheaper transactions with higher throughput. LiquidLink’s initial release marked the DAPP Network’s first foray into Ethereum interoperability.

DAPP Network services have extended to other chains as well with the release of LiquidX, while the LiquidBrinX code example demonstrated a smooth, secure way to transfer transaction data between chains. This powerful combination was brought to bear on the Reddit challenge as part of a community-driven effort to scale their community points program on Ethereum.

It’s now time to come together and activate a cross-chain bridge that could unlock a whole new world of functionality to Ethereum. Two collaborative steps by the DAPP Network community could bring this Cross-Chain Communication Channel, or C4 to life:

  1. Bridge Activation: First things first, DAPP Network’s DSPs will activate the bridge on the Ethereum testnet during the Activation Party, while having a blast.
  2. Bug Bounty: In the time following the party, DSPs will have an opportunity to stress-test the bridge and help iron out issues. DAPP Network developers are welcome to play an active role in a Bug Bounty and win prizes for improving the code.

Following the bug bounty, the community is free to implement two-way token bridges on the mainnets (in accordance with the code license). Instead of competing against each other, DSPs and developers will work together to design and implement a cross-chain transfer mechanism that is as smooth and secure as possible. Teamwork makes the dream work!

🥳 What’s a party without an afterparty? 🥳

(Choose your favorite option and Click to Tweet!)

There’s a lot to look forward to when it comes to a trustless two-way token bridge on #Ethereum.

1) Like liquidity flowing freely between #Ethereum and projects on other chains. (Click to Tweet Option #1)

2) Like running #Ethereum dApps on #DAPPNetwork’s gas-reduced L2-Plus while retaining full liquidity on #ETH. (Click to Tweet Option #2)

3) Like bringing tribalism to an end thanks to #DAPPNetwork’s interoperability. (Click to Tweet Option #3)

Better Together

The future is multi-chain.

Interoperability has always been our North Star, and we believe that only by collaborating can blockchains maximize both their individual potential and growth of the industry as a whole. The DAPP Network is proud to lead the charge in building the technology and crafting the culture that is transforming the multi-chain ideal into a reality.

Cheers to connecting everything 🥂

Join us our Devs Chat and explore the wonders of multi-chain DeFi with the ever-insightful DAPP Network community!

Check out the code for the Ethereum message bride on our Github.

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DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog

DAPP Network aims to optimize development on the blockchain by equipping developers with a range of products for building and scaling dApps.