The World Is Ready For Multi-Chain DeFi

DAPP Network is the Perfect Wrench to Connect and Scale DeFi Products Across Multiple Ecosystems

DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog
4 min readSep 1, 2020


DeFi has been having a stellar few months. The decentralized finance sector has spawned a slew of novel products and game-changing infrastructure that could very well revolutionize the way people deal with their finances, ballooning into an accelerating, multi-billion dollar industry in the process.

When it comes to the main blockchain upon which DeFi is built, Ethereum is currently light years ahead. Its vibrant developer community, plentiful liquidity and the prospect of seamless composability with other DeFi projects has positioned Ethereum as the base-layer of choice for DeFi builders.

But it’s not a secret that the cost of gas poses a serious challenge to current DeFi activities, not to mention the prospect of mainstream adoption. As DeFi dApps get more sophisticated, they guzzle up more and more gas in order to execute the necessary functions to perform.

These base-layer limitations highlight the urgent need for middleware - a Universal Layer-2 that sits on top of blockchains and enables gas-reduced, high-throughput transactions alongside a range of functionalities.

That’s where DAPP Network comes in.

Hi, I’m DAPP Network. It’s A Pleasure to Meet You.

Let’s get something out of the way first. Even though DAPP Network powers several DeFi platforms, the DAPP Network is NOT a DeFi-only platform per se.

Well then, what is it?

The DAPP Network is Universal Layer-2, which operates across multiple ecosystems, connecting them to one another and scaling each in its unique way. Not only can the DAPP Network slash a majority of system costs to a minimum, it is also designed to deliver scalable, rich functionality for DeFi projects while keeping their liquidity on Ethereum.

Ethereum gas fees broke all-time highs in July and have kept climbing since, fuelling the rise of Layer-twos and alternative blockchains

Unlike the Ethereum network, which necessitates paying gas for each and every transaction, the DAPP Network operates on a staking-based model. Developers who wish to access gas-reduced transactions, IPFS hosting, native oracles and any other middleware functionality available on the DAPP Network need to stake DAPP tokens towards service packages offered by DAPP Service Providers (DSPs) on a free market. For the vast majority that aren’t developers, DAPP Network offers an opportunity to lease out DAPP to developers on third-party rental platforms. Devs pay interest to lease DAPP tokens, much like they would for a car or a house, and use those tokens to procure services on the DAPP Network.

DeFi projects such as Equilibrium and Chintai are already using the DAPP Network as a scaling layer, as are many dApps across other verticals such as social media and wallet software.

It’s all been building up to this moment — the activation of a token bridge to Ethereum which will lead to a massive expansion of potential for DeFi. We’ve matured the code and invited some of the finest DAPP Service Providers on the DAPP Network to a Bridge Activation Party. At the Party, the multi-sig token bridge will be deployed by the DAPP Network’s DSPs.

And thus, the era of multi-chain DeFi begins.

Connecting and Scaling Everything

The DAPP Network’s token bridge could facilitate the ease of hopping across multiple DeFi projects on different chains.

But it can go beyond what we have today. The DAPP Network’s token bridge could allow for the creation of multi-chain AMMs, liquidity pools and lending platforms, thereby stimulating the growth of DeFi products beyond any single environment. These products could offer much more competitive costs than purely Ethereum-based relayers, particularly given the cost of gas.

Not only could the DAPP Network drastically slash fees for DeFi products and serve as a bridge reserve for transitioning between chains, it can also offer them a wealth of trustless functionality to integrate. Ethereum projects could migrate parts of their dApp to a Universal Layer-2 while keeping liquidity on Ethereum. Moreover, they could also tap into the powerful functionality of the DAPP Network, such as utilizing the unparalleled technology of LiquidOracles to source tamper-proof data with high integrity and throughput.

Rental markets could be enabled by any Ethereum-based project which has its own token using the DAPP Network.

Who’s Keen for a Bridge Activation Party?

This weekend, a collection of DSPs will come together to create the code and set up the infrastructure that would allow tokens to exist simultaneously on multiple chains, shuttling between them according to the state of the networks and the need of the users. DAPP Network is making it possible to utilize assets on multiple blockchains. DeFi companies and entrepreneurs could utilize the DAPP Network as a foundation to launch new ventures with a universal protocol. The infrastructure layer created by the DAPP Network could support a new generation of DeFi products and companies.

Calling farmers from across the globe — join the thriving LiquidApps community and take part in the most constructive, positive and exhilarating conversations in the cryptosphere.

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DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog

DAPP Network aims to optimize development on the blockchain by equipping developers with a range of products for building and scaling dApps.