Kalita Wave at Canopy Coffee
My third visit to Canopy Coffee aka Coffee House at 62 Haydon Place.
A new coffee shop in Guildford, they have been open a month
My third visit, a new barista, ex of Harris + Hoole.
After a cappuccino, Resolute espresso blend from Origin, they asked would I like to sample their filter coffee, a Kayon Mountain from Square Mile, maybe brewed 45 minutes earlier.
I asked would they like to try Finca Immaculada Laurina, Union Hand-Roasted from Colombia, sadly now past its optimum, as roasted 21 June 2017, but still excellent.
It was brewed using a Kalita Wave, which I have not seen before, let alone tried. I had seen before in the coffee shop, thought a cheap clone of a Chemex, in many ways a cross between a Chemex and V60.
I learned why it is called V60, the angle is 60 degrees.
Beans carefully weighed and ground, the filter cleansed with hot water, brew carefully timed.
Hot water is poured over the ground coffee to allow it to bloom, this lets the carbon dioxide escape, then pour in slow concentric circles, pause, repeat, for four minutes
I would have thought same beans, different filter method, nevertheless filter, Japanese syphon compared with Kalita Wave, would be the same. I was surprised to find a big difference in taste.
The resultant clear brew poured into small glasses, we all tried, including a couple of customers.
All agreed excellent filter coffee.