Go to The Loud Mouth Gets Wired, a series.
The Loud Mouth Gets Wired, a series.
December 20th 2022 I went through reconstructive jaw surgery for the second time. This series, part public journal and part creative writing project, is an attempt to process the experience of healing and transformation. Thanks for reading along.
Note from the editor

December 20th 2022 I went through reconstructive jaw surgery for the second time. This series, part public journal and part creative writing project, is an attempt to process the experience of healing and transformation. Thanks for reading along.

Go to the profile of Steph Hardy
Steph Hardy
Latest musings on reconstructive jaw surgery healing. Adventure, gratitude, dreaming up something new every day. @gratisteph everywhere.
Go to the profile of Steph Hardy
Steph Hardy
Latest musings on reconstructive jaw surgery healing. Adventure, gratitude, dreaming up something new every day. @gratisteph everywhere.