A couple bicycling together in the sunset, the woman is reaching her arm out to the man.
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Why You Should Choose Love When All You Want To Do Is Run

Kelsey L.O.
The Lucid Prose


After four years of conscious singlehood- I accidentally fell for an extraordinary man whose grin and brilliant blue eyes made me weak in the knees—a man whose unexpected arrival in my life made me believe in the magic of serendipity.

In the beginning, we spent most days together and texting for hours on the days we were apart. We couldn’t get enough of each other as we regularly stayed up late, missing out on sleep to talk about anything and everything, making each other laugh, swapping life stories, and enjoying getting to know each other’s quirks.

Time flew by. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months.

I understood it was something special when it felt effortless to be myself around him- my goofy, silly, curious, loud, soft, bold self. Because he was also goofy, silly, curious, loud, soft, and bold, it was encouraging to meet someone I was so naturally in tune with off the bat.

The walls I had carefully built up after my last heartbreak were disassembled, and I felt seen in my naked vulnerability. Slowly our connection gave way from the pure excitement of starting something new to something warm, profound, and safe.

Unfortunately, life hit him square in the face and sent him into a tailspin; it was the kind of life situation that…



Kelsey L.O.
The Lucid Prose

Texan/Norwegian = Texawegian. Forever dwelling in the realm of possibility and curiosity. Editor of The Lucid Prose. Find me on instagram: @hellokelseylo