Ditching The Corporate World To Follow My Passion

And why you should follow your passion too.

Venessa Amber
The Masterpiece
5 min readOct 1, 2021


I’m 23, a recent grad, and making nearly 70k in a project management role as my first gig out of college. Sounds impressive, but in all honesty; a lot of negotiation, charisma, and pure luck landed me this very sought-after job in a national laboratory. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t proud of it.

More than half the people in my graduating class were hoping to land a similar position at this very establishment — only a handful actually did. So, of course, I was giddy with myself and felt as though all my hard work had finally paid off. At the time, I thought the corporate world would fit me well. I was leaving the world of retail and couldn’t wait to have a “normal” job with reasonable hours (or so I thought).

Fast forward three years and here I am; 26, freelance interpreter, traveler, and making way more than I thought possible when I left my “big girl” job to take an UNPAID internship (we’ll get there). Most importantly, however, I am happy and excited to jump into my work every day, I love what I do, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

So, what was my beef with the corporate world?

Soon after starting my position, I realized that the culture in the office was gloomy and unwelcoming. Countless people referred to our positions as “golden handcuffs” because the pay and benefits were so good that once people were in, they were too afraid to leave.

I laughed and stayed ambitious for the first couple of months, but I immediately fell into a negative headspace. I dreaded going into the office and didn’t have any passion for working spreadsheets, babysitting the engineers on the project, or maintaining budgets. When I say it was a bore…

For the short time that I stayed in this job, I was consistently forced to follow the hierarchy bullshit of pleasing the bosses, bosses, boss by doing things only motivated by the need to meet a quota or drive numbers. I was not speaking my mind in fear of retaliation. My mental health was being negatively impacted by the stress and demand of unrealistic deadlines. And I was stretching my boundaries for a company that doesn’t give a damn about its people and was left drained and completely unsatisfied. I was done.

I graduated from college and immediately started this job, but was completely unfulfilled. So I decided to challenge myself and go back to school to finish a second degree in sign language interpreting.

I worked full-time and crammed in as many classes as I could to finish this degree. It was exhausting and more challenging than I thought it would be, but I found that spark again. That spark made me excited for the possibilities of the future and encouraged me to keep going after my passion.

When I graduated with my second degree I knew that I had to do what scared the hell out of me; break the golden handcuffs and chase the impractical job that made me excited to go to work and fed my soul.

Best. Decision. Ever.

It was terrifying and I questioned myself more than once, but it was worth it.

When I decided to leave the cushy salary and safe career for a passion that first lead me to an unpaid apprenticeship, I was terrified. It was the most daunting thing I could have done as a (still) recent grad with looming student loan debt.

To make things worse; this was all happening at the beginning of 2020 and we all know how that year went…

Three months into my apprenticeship, COVID-19 took over and I was forced into quarantine (as were most of us). I was able to complete my apprenticeship online, but what was supposed to turn into a full-time job opportunity after the apprenticeship was no longer funded so I was thrown into the world of freelance.

I was convinced that I made the world’s biggest mistake leaving the cushy job that was now letting everyone transition to working from home, while still getting their full salaries. I could’ve easily gone back, but I became so protective of my mental space and time after experiencing a job that I enjoyed more than anything and appreciated my boundaries.

So, instead, I decided to give this whole freelance thing a chance. To my surprise, I loved it and I found that there was plenty of work — that paid WELL.

Once I was able to get through the doubt and fear of jumping into full-time freelance work, I found so much opportunity. The best part? I am able to create my own schedule and take on the projects that align with my passion and values.

Looking back, I can’t believe I was ever willing to compromise my boundaries, spirit, or happiness for a job. I mean most of our time in the day is spent working, how can we commit that much time to something that drains us? We can’t.

This is what you should keep in mind

Here are the biggest things I can share with those of you who are unhappy in the corporate world and want to make a change.

  1. Your mental health is more important than the job.
  2. These big companies don’t care about you, so don’t stress over them.
  3. It can be absolutely terrifying to leave, but it will be the most liberating thing you’ll ever do.
  4. If you lead with passion, the money will come. It may be in ways you least expect, but abundance is there for you.
  5. It’s not too late to start over and find a career that will ignite the fire in you and make you love your work.

If you are someone who is unhappy or unfulfilled with your work, this is your sign to take the leap and make a change.

Do what scares you, what challenges you, what doesn’t make sense to anyone but you, and find what burns passion in your being.

I’m rooting for you!

Thanks for reading!

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Venessa Amber
The Masterpiece

Life enthusiast, writer, avid coffee drinker, fiction reader. Writing about all the things that scare me, challenge me, & offer insight into this crazy life.