Japan’s Love Hotels: A Secret Love-Making Place for Adults

Where privacy is paramount.

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece


Love hotel, Japan. Photo by Max Hodges from Flickr

While searching for the reasons behind Japanese people’s reluctance to marriage and family life, I encountered these love hotels, a not-so-hidden place for couples, secret lovers, and others to have secret pleasures.

Surprisingly, there are more than 30,000 love hotels in Japan. They are in almost every big city and town. It’s a 40 billion dollar industry.

Love hotels offer you an experience of a lifetime for a pay-by-the-hour or overnight cost. The facilities and privacy you will get there are beyond your wildest imagination.

Well, if you are wondering — you will not meet any staff in a love hotel, and your identity will also be kept secret. But before diving too deep, let’s have a tiny bit of Japan’s love hotel history.

A Tiny Bit of Japan’s Love-Hotel History

The boom of Japan’s love hotels industry has its root in the Hotel Love, the first of its kind opened in Osaka in 1968. That hotel was a short-stay secretive destination for couples and young lovers.

In postwar Japan, people generally lived with their extended families. So, to have some private moments, the adventurous couples started to visit love hotels.



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece

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