When It Comes To Love, Never Settle For Less

It may seem like simple logic to leave a relationship that’s no longer what you want or need, but some people’d rather remain in it.

“It’s better than having no relationship at all.”

In many cases, people do settle for less. They do it out of habit, or just so they can avoid being alone and feeling lonely. They stay in the relationship because it’s the safer option that sits within their comfort zone.

Of course, I don’t endorse their way of handling things. I mean, how am I to answer to all those people who read my writings if I were to be okay with some half-fucked love relationship that is pretty on the outside but hollow on the inside.

So yes, if I don’t love the other person anymore, I will leave them.

Previously I was in a relationship where I fell out of love. I learned from that experience that to act like you are in love with someone when you’re actually not is probably one of the most painful experiences life can throw at you…

… When the three simple words, I love you, becomes so hard, not just because it’s a lie, but also because it’s partially true — that you had loved. Had.

If you don’t love them anymore, let them go. Let yourself go.

By that, you’re giving respect that is due to yourself and to the other person.

Staying in an unsatisfying relationship that fails to deliver what it initially promised or what you expect of it is only going to kill you slowly on the inside. And not just you, the other party too.

If you think you could love and devote so much more of yourself, but just not with this person who’s sleeping next to you in bed, stop wasting time and energy any further. Stop hiding away or lying to yourself about your feelings. Don’t try to lie to them either.

Also, walk away from a relationship that isn’t making you a happier and better person. It is better to be single and alone than to be in a half-assed relationship that leads you to the deception that you are not good enough.

It’s gonna hurt, big time. But trust me, leaving is but necessary. You can’t stay at one place and expect a different result the next day. Life doesn’t work that way. To get to somewhere new, to something different, to someone better, you would have to abandon your comfort zone, or even your roots. Sometimes you need to cut the finger to save the hand.

Some couples hold on to each other like the other party is their lifebuoy, their saving grace.

When in reality they are only pulling each other down, down, down — holding them back from that fresh breath of air.

You owe yourself the duty to live the most exciting and fulfilling life, and to find the most fiery and all-consuming love there is.

You only have one life — live it to the fullest.



Keay Nigel
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning.

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel