Virtual Reality, Montréal-style

VR Salon 2nd edition — May 30–31 at the Phi Centre

Frederic Guarino
The Mediaquake
2 min readMay 30, 2016


Last fall, MUTEK, as part of its MUTEK IMG series, inaugurated the first VR Salon in Montréal, bringing together VR creators and technologists from Europe and the US over 2 days. This first VR Salon combined many successful ingredients: one of North America’s largest VR exhibits in a single location, thanks to our partner Kaleidoscope, significant connections between creators and the confirmation that Montréal was a special place for VR. The local media coverage was very positive and the lines for the exhibit were full of enthusiastic people from all ages ! The thought-provoking exchanges were all recorded and available for viewing here.

We’re therefore very proud, with our partner the Phi Centre, to bring a second edition of the VR Salon on May 30 and 31st, as a pre-event to the annual MUTEK Festival.

Here’s the program:

MONDAY MAY 30 | 1PM — 5:30PM

The first day of the VR Salon will offer two round tables: one concerned with the role of institutions in their support of creation, production and distribution of Virtual Reality works, and the other one focusing on the narrative challenges of Mixed and Virtual Reality creation, presenting the results of the NFB XP workshop.

Round table on the ecosystem of Virtual Reality creation
Round table on the narrative and conceptual challenges in Virtual Reality — NFB XP


The second day of the VR Salon will invite prestigious speakers from the local, Canadian and international scene to present their latest research and creative projects in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Keynotes, case studies and panels will discuss a variety of creative content including fiction, documentary, journalism, theatre, performance, video game, interactive experiences.

This symposium will be followed by a networking cocktail that will also serve as the opening for the VR Exhibition.

AM : Content in fiction, documentary and journalism
Networking lunch
PM : Content in theatre, performance, video game and interactive experiences
5@7 : Networking cocktail & VR Exhibition opening

Looking forward to seeing you there !

