Go to The Memoirist
The Memoirist
We exclusively publish memoirs: The creative stories unpacked from the nostalgic hope chests of our lives.
Note from the editor

Welcome to The Memoirist!

Go to the profile of KiKi Walter
KiKi Walter
AKA "The Memoir Queen." Ki is the founder & publisher of The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, Black Bear, and more.
Go to the profile of Sally Prag
Sally Prag
Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.
Go to the profile of Bernice R.
Bernice R.
Personal essays, pop culture, and punning. Subscribe to my newsletter for a dose of all three in your inbox: https://bernicespieces.eo.page/newsletter
Go to the profile of Suzanne Pisano
Suzanne Pisano
Writer. Singer. Jersey girl. Personal essays and poetry. Humor when the mood strikes. Editor for The Memoirist and Age of Empathy.
Go to the profile of Marketa Zvelebil
Marketa Zvelebil
A retired (disabled and an ex-refugee) scientist, currently a photographer who loves to write. Mainly about life, and thoughts on current or any issues.
Go to the profile of Preeti
Writer of Personal Stories, Humor, Fiction & Mental Health
Go to the profile of Bob Merckel
Bob Merckel
Author of "Salute" Editor: Age of Empathy, The Memoirist | English teacher/language consultant in Barcelona and Provincetown.
Go to the profile of Michele Maize
Michele Maize
Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.
Go to the profile of Yana Bostongirl
Yana Bostongirl
Owner of Good Vibes Club pub| I'm a blend of cultures from South Africa, South Asia & USA| Masters in Econ| 🦋Yana's World: https://yanabostongirl.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Arpad Nagy
Arpad Nagy
A Proud Hungarian-Canadian, throwback romantic who loves to write. Editor @ Kitchen Tales,The Short Place (Fiction) The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, The Book Cafe
Go to the profile of Ilona Goanos
Ilona Goanos
Yoga-Lover, Mother of Monarchs & Mid-Life Thriver. Join "The Pebble in Your Shoe" newsletter: https://ilonagoanos.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Dana DuBois
Dana DuBois
Publisher for Pink Hair & Pronouns and Three Imaginary Girls. Boost nominator. I'm a GenX word nerd living in the PNW with a whole lot of little words to share.
Go to the profile of Kristine Laco
Kristine Laco
My middle finger is my favorite. Satire is my jam. Don’t follow if Laco-intolerant. BE COOL--SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER eepurl.com/hqpXiv
Go to the profile of Cindy Heath
Cindy Heath
I’ve been a farmer, entrepreneur, writer, and more. I'm passionate about nutrition, health, nature, and the rewards of personal writing.
Go to the profile of Maria Hayes
Maria Hayes
Writing my way through sobriety, travels, and all that life throws at me.
Go to the profile of Lindsay Rae Brown
Lindsay Rae Brown
Mother, writer, user of too many hashtags.
Go to the profile of Jacqueline Dooley
Jacqueline Dooley
Essayist, content writer, bereaved parent. Bylines: Human Parts, GEN, Marker, OneZero, Washington Post, Al Jazeera, Pulse, HuffPost, Longreads, Modern Loss
Go to the profile of Lindsey Otto
Lindsey Otto
Personal essayist. I write about life, food, growth, and other human things. Contact me: Lrotto98@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Melissa Corrigan
Melissa Corrigan
55+x Boosted Writer. Mother, partner, survivor, adoptee, veteran, entrepreneur, friend, ally, & flawed human. I seek enlightenment & growth daily.
Go to the profile of Becca CO 🌵
Becca CO 🌵
Autistic | Survivor—I write about how life's challenges affect living—NF & poetry are my niches. Editor for Black Bear. https://www.instagram.com/becca_collora/
Go to the profile of Diane Wilder
Diane Wilder
Mom, writer, and outdoor enthusiast with POTS, chronic EBV, and overactive mast cells. Founder of Chronically Ridiculous. Editor for The Memoirist.
Go to the profile of Maevyn Frey
Maevyn Frey
Maevyn Frey is a neurodivergent wordsmith with a passion for justice and equality.
Go to the profile of Divya Karwal
Divya Karwal
A communication strategist for 15 years, learning the languages of the heart. I have fought life fiercely and positively, with a lot of love for living well.
Go to the profile of Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe
Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe
Writing about real life. Proponent of the passive voice and bringing “that” back. Member of the typewriter generation. Reach me at Linda.kowalchek@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Rane Kelze
Rane Kelze
Quietly scribbling in the corner.
Go to the profile of Madelyn West
Madelyn West
Saucy insolence, irrepressible ebullience, gentle absurdity and a little savage passion for good measure.
Go to the profile of John Pucadyil
John Pucadyil
I am a plasma physicist who also paints and writes poetry. My work is available on my website www.pucadyil.com. I write on science, technology and my life
Go to the profile of J. Salvatore Domino
J. Salvatore Domino
J. Salvatore Domino is an author and blogger based in Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A. A classic storyteller, his stories long or short, never fail to entertain.
Go to the profile of Anneke Campbell
Anneke Campbell
I’ve been writing so long I’m almost finished with my memoir of the Holocaust.
Go to the profile of Shereen Bingham
Shereen Bingham
Communication Ph.D., venturing out from success as a scholarly writer to explore terrains of creative nonfiction, poetry, and fictional short stories.
Go to the profile of Jessica Gale Friesen
Jessica Gale Friesen
Each day is a surprise - some good, some bad, but all stories are relatable and writable. Writer of fiction and nonfiction
Go to the profile of R P Gibson
R P Gibson
Freelance writer of history and humour. Sometimes other stuff. I’ll never use a semicolon and you can’t make me. Click this: https://therpg.medium.com/subscribe
Go to the profile of Emily Forman
Emily Forman
Follow my journey as work to heal from Lyme Disease.
Go to the profile of Julie Amidon-Conklin
Julie Amidon-Conklin
Sleepy, cat mom, dog door opener, queen of the unfinished project, coffee addict, avid reader. https://twitter.com/JulieConklin5
Go to the profile of Sreese
Western New Yorker, musician, construction supply chain veteran, memoirist, never say never-ist. Top Writer in Sports and 2x Top Writer in Music.
Go to the profile of Angie Smartt
Angie Smartt
I’m just a person who ponders. www.angiesmartt.com
Go to the profile of Dr. Kat
Dr. Kat
Writer, Psychologist, Life Coach
Go to the profile of Runda Alamour
Runda Alamour
Finding creative space outside of my own mind. Palestinian-American mother, educator, + union organizer. 📍Asheville, North Carolina 📧 rzafreelancing@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Theodora
I read a lot and occasionally I write.
Go to the profile of Lens of Rose
Lens of Rose
Low-budget cinematic filming in search of life's difficult answers. Designing for bills, filming for thrills. 🎢 [ Ep1 "Happy" Pills? - now filming ] 🎥
Go to the profile of Noemi Ergas Bitterman
Noemi Ergas Bitterman
Much like Pablo Neruda, “I write, I write just to not die”
Go to the profile of Noel Meshack
Noel Meshack
Bring ReadersTogether to Inspire and Share Stories of Life’s Challenges and Strategies for a Better World.
Go to the profile of Hope Carter
Hope Carter
Self-published romance author 💋 Grief blogger 🖤
Go to the profile of Heather S. Wargo
Heather S. Wargo
Italian American Writer in PA wilds. Gen X survivor attempting to climb shrinking narrow. Despite all my rage, still just a rat in a cage.
Go to the profile of Emma Sachsse
Emma Sachsse
Writer of Urban Fantasy Series; Bloody Dawn find me at https://www.emmasachsse.com/
Go to the profile of Katharine Valentino
Katharine Valentino
Still trying for the words to help us do & feel good things. Owner of Reviews for Medium Featured Books. I write life stories & about politics / social issues.
Go to the profile of Shirley Chang
Shirley Chang
Reader, traveler, story-teller, home cook, crafter, swimmer, engineer, cancer caregiver supporter. https://shirleychangbooks.com/
Go to the profile of Kate Stone Lombardi
Kate Stone Lombardi
Journalist/author. Contributor NYT 20+ years. Also WSJ, Time.com, GH, AARP, more. Author: Mama’s Boy Myth (Penguin/Avery 2012). Cook. Besotted grandmother.
Go to the profile of Eric Pierce
Eric Pierce
Writer, gamer, pop culture nerd. Chief fan at Fanfare. Probably thinking about Star Wars. https://allthefanfare.com
Go to the profile of Audrey Stimson
Audrey Stimson
Writer and poet — essays and short stories. Experiencing life to the fullest while writing about our humanity. More about me https://audreystimson.com
Go to the profile of Frank Priegue
Frank Priegue
Writer, Educator, 50-Something First-Time Dad, Long Suffering New York Mets Fan, Autism Advocate, and Humorist (Sometimes)Follow my blog http://frankpriegue.com
Go to the profile of Bev Potter
Bev Potter
Legal secretary by day, insomniac by night. Ally. BA, MA. Humor, pop culture, and things that make you think. My weekly-ish newsletter is bevpotter.substack.com
Go to the profile of Kristen Stark
Kristen Stark
I write humor and I’m slightly unhinged.
Go to the profile of Elena Greyrock
Elena Greyrock
INFJ, Elena Greyrock is an author of contemporary diverse fiction. Her latest book is Six Feet Apart: Love in Quarantine www.elenagreyrock.com
Go to the profile of ✨Beyond Stardust✨
✨Beyond Stardust✨
You are MORE than Stardust
Go to the profile of Kim Kelly Stamp
Kim Kelly Stamp
Writer. Publisher. Editor. Essayist. Espresso Enthusiast. LGBTQ+. PNW Native. Traveler. Gigi Extraordinaire. Pieces in: NYT, HuffPost, Next Avenue & elsewhere.
Go to the profile of Lee Griffo
Lee Griffo
Life thoroughly lived. Unvarnished scandals and triumphs. Exhilarating, humiliating and true. Proud to be published in The Memoirist and Human Parts.
Go to the profile of Patrick Parker
Patrick Parker
"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." -Carl Jung
Go to the profile of Mariella M.
Mariella M.
Busy mom who writes about many topics, including health, parenting, and life’s adventures.
Go to the profile of Brian Leekley
Brian Leekley
Born in 1942. Had an antiquarian bookseller career. Avocation creative writing. Unitarian Universalist, raised Catholic. Support Movement for a People’s Party.
Go to the profile of Malky McEwan
Malky McEwan
Born storyteller. Born curious. Fascinated with what makes people tick and how the world works. https://malkymcewan.medium.com/subscribe
Go to the profile of Teresa Morillas
Teresa Morillas
Debunking Nutritional Myths| Clarifying Nutrition & Health Science for you| Top writer Food| MAS Nutrition&Health | Health Coach | https://bit.ly/te_newsletter
Go to the profile of Freeman Scott
Freeman Scott
Unreliable narrator
Go to the profile of The Girl With The Tree Tattoo
The Girl With The Tree Tattoo
Tattooed dancer and writer creating her quiet magic in the woods. Published works available at https://ko-fi.com/thegirlwiththetreetattoo
Go to the profile of Erika Burkhalter
Erika Burkhalter
Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)
Go to the profile of Andrew Johnston
Andrew Johnston
Writer of fiction, documentarian, currently stranded in Asia. Learn more at www.findthefabulist.com.
Go to the profile of Keia Allis
Keia Allis
Figuring it out…I think I’m getting somewhere. Artist, writer, entrepreneur, Veteran, and overthinker. I identify as a unicorn and believe girls run the world.
Go to the profile of Damian Sebouhian
Damian Sebouhian
I write Muse Exclusives on topics ranging from metaphysics, meditation, tarot, mythology, poetry, art, humor, and other adventures.
Go to the profile of Sheri White
Sheri White
Wife, Mom, Grandma, Horror Writer, Diet Coke Addict. Beatles Freak. Murder Show Fanatic.
Go to the profile of Carrie Ann Golden
Carrie Ann Golden
Adirondack native writer & poet living in North Dakota. Introspector. Scrutinizer. What you see isn't always what's really there.
Go to the profile of Connie Song
Connie Song
Reader | Writer | Poet | Medium Top Writer | Twitter Connie Song 10.
Go to the profile of Iz Lobos
Iz Lobos
Creative with a chaotic mind. She/her.
Go to the profile of Jane Kaufman
Jane Kaufman
I enjoy deep dives in pools of self-reflection and have discovered the power to change the world within 5' of my feet. I expect to laugh often and die well.
Go to the profile of 1796 Sports
1796 Sports
Tennessee achieved statehood in 1796. Since then, our sports teams haven’t had much to celebrate. Join us as we cover all of the sad sporting events.
Go to the profile of Lyuba G
Lyuba G
Professional Copywriter turning life's adventures into stories about personal growth, writing & travel ✨
Go to the profile of Marlon Weems
Marlon Weems
Storyteller. I write about American culture and growing up Black in the South.
Go to the profile of Kathryn Betts Adams, MSW, PhD
Kathryn Betts Adams, MSW, PhD
Gerontologist. Baby Boomer. OnlyDaughter. Mom of two. Writing on aging, health, family relationships, mental health. Find me at https://KathrynBettsAdams.com
Go to the profile of Sharmila Shankarkumar
Sharmila Shankarkumar
Writer living in New York. Published in McSweeneys, Slackjaw, and Points In Case. Winner of writing contests you've never heard of.
Go to the profile of Kris Heim
Kris Heim
Haunted-city dweller, bad French speaker, cold lake swimmer, Mississippi River habitué, daily piano player, fiction writer, wonderer, note scribbler.
Go to the profile of Bev Garcia
Bev Garcia
I help followers of Jesus determine clear direction to bridge a gap between information and transformation for what matters most at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Go to the profile of Gerald Ward
Go to the profile of Nicola POWYS
Nicola POWYS
Artist, activist and writer using words and paint existentially. Find my artwork here: htpps//www.instagram.com/playspowys
Go to the profile of Sarah Suzuki
Sarah Suzuki
Owner/Founder of Chicago Compass Counseling, therapist, itinerant change agent, and recovering English Major.
Go to the profile of Chloe Marie Aldecoa-DeFina
Chloe Marie Aldecoa-DeFina
Writer (freestyle and academic), poet, photographer, BA in Creative Media and Film. The things I am most passionate about are not random, they are callings…
Go to the profile of Ilma Andrade
Ilma Andrade
3 x Top Writer - UX Designer - Business and Art - World Traveler and Beach lover
Go to the profile of Samantha D
Samantha D
Ad astra per aspera - Live to learn - Author of the book: Reflections [now available on Amazon]
Go to the profile of Allie
Go to the profile of Angelina Der Arakelian
Angelina Der Arakelian
An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at angelinaderarakelian@gmail.com 💫
Go to the profile of Laura DeMaisBerg
Laura DeMaisBerg
I write about seemingly mundane experiences that are relatable because we are human. Subscribe on Substack to get my stories directly: lauramc.sub-stack.com
Go to the profile of Beibh
Go to the profile of Kelly Murphy
Go to the profile of Alexander Razin
Alexander Razin
Aficionado and connoisseur of obscure and experimental music, movies, and TV. Fictional and nonfictional pieces have their place here, too
Go to the profile of Lea O
Lea O
9X Top Writer. Essayist.
Go to the profile of Conni Walkup Hull
Conni Walkup Hull
Lawyer/writer. I write essays, memoir, poetry, and tales about my never-dull-life with a handsome Sailor. Experienced editor. Fun to hang out with.
Go to the profile of Obinna Uruakpa
Obinna Uruakpa
I am your Brother and a Seeker of the Infinite. I came this time among the Igbos. I share the sights, sounds, and scents of my journey in simple stories. .
Go to the profile of Keri Mick
Keri Mick
A multipotentialite at heart, this writer has way too many interests. She’s a Realtor, she’s a family woman, she’s a nature lover and a city slicker. Loves all.
Go to the profile of Celina Peters
Go to the profile of It's Ericajean
It's Ericajean
Essayist and poet | Author of Rumors of Ouroboros . Learn more about Erica at https://linktr.ee/itsericajean/
Go to the profile of Alice Kent
Alice Kent
Writes about the joys and struggles of being a human being. Can get dark quickly. With a hint of hope.
Go to the profile of Harrie Wren
Harrie Wren
Exploring society, beliefs, mythology, spirituality, queerness and neurodiversity, plus whatever else crosses my mind. (They/Them).
Go to the profile of Sheryll Paul
Sheryll Paul
Aspiring writer
Go to the profile of Karli Ahrens
Karli Ahrens
*Improving…* Come back in six months.
Go to the profile of KmMolloy
Go to the profile of Jenny Austria
Jenny Austria
France-based storyteller. I write about life lessons, self-growth, and la vie en France. Read unlimited stories: https://iamjennyaustria.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of EverBlume
We provide online small group recovery meetings with compatible peers who support each other in their personal recovery. A safe space for honest conversation.
Go to the profile of Jane Ann Tucker
Jane Ann Tucker
I'm a published author. GENRES: non-fiction & poetry PASSIONS: books, dogs,horses, playing pickle ball, hiking & knitting. ~ What hurts you blesses you ~ Rumi
Go to the profile of John Villa
Go to the profile of Ankita Nayak
Ankita Nayak
ux designer with background in saas tech & financial services
Go to the profile of Nitin Dangwal
Nitin Dangwal
Writing stories, poems and a little bit of everything about life
Go to the profile of Marianne Simon
Marianne Simon
Marianne has spent her life exploring creativity in all its facets. Playwright, author, performer, and also landscape designer and environmentalist.
Go to the profile of Kelly Maurica
Kelly Maurica
Author | Writer | Copywriter Walking through life, one sole at a time
Go to the profile of Jenny Lim
Jenny Lim
2x boosted writer. Mum of 2. I write to help me and others understand life. The beauty of good storytelling is in the ordinary as well as the 'wow' moments.
Go to the profile of Jazmine Clark
Jazmine Clark
University of Michigan Ann Arbor graduate, mental health advocate and coach. Just trying make sense of my life and hopefully these experiences help others too.
Go to the profile of This Broken Clay by Ann Adams
This Broken Clay by Ann Adams
Child of God. DeafBlind faith-based poet, blogger & writer.
Go to the profile of Iain Stanley
Iain Stanley
Aussie in Japan creating a 2nd income through writing. For my free 10-point guide to Medium success, click here: https://iain-stanley.ck.page/10pointguide
Go to the profile of Yıldız stories🌙
Yıldız stories🌙
I tell my stories. Sadly, they are not fiction. Reader, Teacher, and a Life-long learner
Go to the profile of Michael J. O'Connor
Michael J. O'Connor
Author of autofiction, essays, novels, articles, humor, satire, ad copy, plays, marketing video scripts, and any other work I can scrounge up for a measly buck.
Go to the profile of Paul
I write about • Lifestyle • How to make money writing online • How to stand out with your writing on Medium
Go to the profile of Nevena Pascaleva
Nevena Pascaleva
A writer of evocative fiction and introspective personal essays.
Go to the profile of Desiree Haros
Desiree Haros
Author| Life Coach| Ultra Runner| Vegan| Personal Trainer| Podcaster| WIP| Contact me @ desireesharos@gmail.com
Go to the profile of A Strong Woman Weak
A Strong Woman Weak
Life, marriage, divorce, parenting, trauma and financial health; I got it all, I just need the Cocoa Puffs. *Editor: MuddyUm, Sweary Mommy, On The Sunny Side
Go to the profile of Dr. Jan Patterson
Dr. Jan Patterson
Integrative medicine doctor, infectious diseases doctor, author, bereaved parent, cancer survivor, mom, gardener, believer www.drjanpatterson.com
Go to the profile of Jesse Edison
Jesse Edison
Proud Word Nerd. Self-Help blogger. 25 years old. Currently in Australia.
Go to the profile of Trudy Van Buskirk
Trudy Van Buskirk
Self employed 40 years. Technology super user, smallbiz startup & marketing coach, writer- entrepreneurship, disability, aging. Time to share what I’ve learned.
Go to the profile of Vera-Marie Landi
Vera-Marie Landi
I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'
Go to the profile of Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings
Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings
Writing on Medium since 2018. Writer for Illumination. I write on a myriad of subjects with you in mind.
Go to the profile of Gabrielle Angelica
Gabrielle Angelica
Plant medicine initiate who nurtures seekers to forge their wild path in intimacy with the Divine.
Go to the profile of Lori Dooner
Lori Dooner
Former preschool teacher, proud mom of adult twin sons, caretaker of elderly parents, writer and poet, B.A. in English/Writing
Go to the profile of Claire K. Yu
Claire K. Yu
Writer, mother, investor, volunteer; raised in E. Asia/N. Am/EU; trained at MIT; speaks EN/中/ES/日/DE/FR; lives in Mass., advocates equity, connects cultures.
Go to the profile of Andy Williams
Andy Williams
Student of Life by Experience and Reflection
Go to the profile of Marios Komninakis
Marios Komninakis
High performance strategies and competent mindset lessons from a Top-class pool player...
Go to the profile of Jeannette Sanderson
Jeannette Sanderson
I read, write, and run in the beautiful Hudson Valley, where I live with my husband and our rescue pup, Magnolia.
Go to the profile of Chris Yanda
Chris Yanda
I am sometimes hilarious and always from Canada. I live in the UK now. I don't fully understand the world I live in, but it's never understood me, either.
Go to the profile of Jonathan Peykar
Jonathan Peykar
I share top shelf nuggets about marketing and self-improvement
Go to the profile of J.J. Pryor
J.J. Pryor
3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer | jjpryor.substack.com
Go to the profile of David Altaner
David Altaner
Two passports: I thought I was covered for life, then we get Trump and Brexit. A business writer who covers everything from bitcoin, Simpsons, dating to royalty
Go to the profile of ✍️ Alexander Verbeek
✍️ Alexander Verbeek
Writer and public speaker on the beauty and fragility of nature.
Go to the profile of Sabah Ismail✨
Sabah Ismail✨
A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.
Go to the profile of James Alexander, PhD
James Alexander, PhD
Former minister and professor. I now mostly work s a transpersonal spiritual director. I've got a cool Maine Coon named Baxter.! Thanks for reading my articles.
Go to the profile of Ciaran Quinn
Ciaran Quinn
Short stories, true and fiction. Expat American/Irish/British living in France. Stories emailed in full to email listees (so sign up?). Paywall after that.
Go to the profile of Nicole Sponsel
Nicole Sponsel
My writing speaks to how we can all get through life’s struggles, overcome obstacles, and turn them into growth challenges to witness to others.
Go to the profile of Alexia Dominique Reyes
Alexia Dominique Reyes
I write about languages and cultures, plus some random stories about my life. Work with me? alexiadocare@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Tristan Ruark
Tristan Ruark
Expat, traveler, combat veteran.
Go to the profile of Ralph Serpe
Ralph Serpe
Writer, artist and musician from the United States. ralphserpe.com
Go to the profile of Arthur Keith
Arthur Keith
My goal is to inform, educate, & entertain. Top writer in LGBTQ, Music, Climate Change. Directionally dyslexic with an excellent sense of direction.
Go to the profile of Indiegirl822
I'm Bindu. Lawyer/Exec. Reflections on politics, race, Gen X, feminism, intersectionality, multi-cultural life.
Go to the profile of Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren (roSwarren@gmail.com) will help you improve and publish your work.
Go to the profile of Alan AJ
Alan AJ
Past and present life moments with a touch of humour. Stories about grief, love, family, nostalgia, technology, autism, ADHD, and everyday experiences.
Go to the profile of Amy Yoder
Amy Yoder
I help freelancers overcome workflow pain points. Mental health advocate, neurodivergent, non-toxic productivity lover. Open for gigs: yoder.amy17@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jenna Franzese
Go to the profile of Leah Welborn
Leah Welborn
Empower Your Magical Self with me. I'm the Mystic Autistic, a writer and spiritual baddie. LeahWelborn.net.
Go to the profile of Christopher Massimine
Christopher Massimine
Christopher Massimine is an entrepreneur, mental health advocate, biz devo expert, contributor for “Entrepreneur,” & EP of the animated feature “The Inventor.”
Go to the profile of Jen Wilking
Jen Wilking
Yoga & meditation teacher, physical therapist | Feel at home in your body, calm in your mind, & inspired to make an impact | https://jenwilking.com/
Go to the profile of Gaby Rogut
Gaby Rogut
Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me! https://ko-fi.com/gabyrogut/commissions
Go to the profile of Romessa Annan
Romessa Annan
A passionate writer who loves to pen down the whole world around her.
Go to the profile of Serene Wanderlust
Serene Wanderlust
Nomadic Product Designer, aspiring writer, I write about life, love and my nomadic life.
Go to the profile of Lyda Michopoulou
Lyda Michopoulou
Queer non-binary writer and life transitions coach. Writing on anything and everything. Pronouns: they/them http://unwrappedevolutions.com/
Go to the profile of Marmi Le
Marmi Le
Data nerd for longer than Gen Z has been alive, mom, and former Jeopardy contestant https://j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=2835
Go to the profile of Author Emily🎀
Go to the profile of Josh Balerite Acol
Josh Balerite Acol
Writer|Editor|Mom-Dad of 4|Loves all things inspiring! Feel the love and fun. Support my writings — join now! https://joshbaleriteacol.medium.com/subscribe
Go to the profile of Dr Ahmet
Dr Ahmet
Author | Writer | Writes about writing, self-development, life lessons, and more..
Go to the profile of Matthew James
Go to the profile of Subrata Mazumder
Subrata Mazumder
Subrata: Engineering, writing, wealth-building. Empowers with insights, beach-lover, family-centered.
Go to the profile of Willow Baum
Willow Baum
Writes about freedom and connection. She is also an end-of-life guide and "death doula" at FriendForTheEnd.com and http://bit.ly/resourcesfordying
Go to the profile of angela l smith
angela l smith
archaeologist, writer, engineer & mom
Go to the profile of Natalie
A Londoner showing you London. I explore a little bit at a time, taking in some of the history, mixing in a few stories about myself.
Go to the profile of Elly Lucas
Elly Lucas
Writer and user researcher for health technology companies. PPI researcher at KCL. Bylines: Wellcome, ReutersPharma and more.
Go to the profile of Lora Snob Brocone
Lora Snob Brocone
TMI, emotional, neurodivergent (ADHD edition), funny, funny haha, sentence polisher. Editor of emoshitstorm. Inquiries: emoshitstorm@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Michelle Teheux
Michelle Teheux
Lover of literature. Former newspaper editor. Fascinated by everything. Contact: michelleteheux@gmail.com. To buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/michelleteheux
Go to the profile of Ladywriter
My anxiety was kept under control with an antidepressant. When I entered menopause, the medication stopped working. This blog is about my search for answers.
Go to the profile of William Davidson
William Davidson
Husband, father, police officer, and reluctant renovator
Go to the profile of Joan Churchill
Joan Churchill
Quirky copywriter | Passionate storyteller | Dedicated furkid mom | Novice vegetable gardener | Enthusiastic home decorator | Former budget world traveller
Go to the profile of Keith R. Higgons
Keith R. Higgons
Writer & Podcaster — Abandoned Albums & The Mix n' Match Podcast www.abandonedalbums.com "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."
Go to the profile of Emmi S. Herman
Emmi S. Herman
Copywriter by day. Stories by life. At work on a memoir about my sister. Otherwise in a car somewhere between NY and NJ. eherman0110@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Barb Besteni
Barb Besteni
Writer, Spiritual Seeker, Musician, Animal Lover, and so much more ...
Go to the profile of Dee
Entrepreneur, Mom, Wife, Daughter—Pausing to Recharge, Reflect, and Reinvent. Finding solace in self-expression through my writings. https://ko-fi.com/dee1208
Go to the profile of Ahilya B
Ahilya B
I write the words I wish I had heard when I was younger. Healing through creativity and Indic spirituality.
Go to the profile of Krista Rausin
Krista Rausin
Compassionate Creative | Educator | Publisher
Go to the profile of Liam Hunter-Bailey
Liam Hunter-Bailey
A place where I share my thoughts. Feel free to share yours. 🌻
Go to the profile of Anna Jim Lequenne
Anna Jim Lequenne
Daydreamer, hopeless romantic - juggling roles as a travel addict & aspiring writer, while navigating real life in my job as a designer
Go to the profile of Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Poetry & politics. Free Palestine 🇵🇸. Caucasus & Iran. Writer, Educator, Translator & Editor. rrgould.hcommons.org https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/rebecca-gould
Go to the profile of Chaudhry Writes
Chaudhry Writes
I think & I write. A leader by day and a writer by night.
Go to the profile of Kathy Stephanides
Kathy Stephanides
Kathy Stephanides is a low vision nonfiction writer focusing on memoir. Email address: tksteph85@earthlink.net
Go to the profile of DeniseZ
I believe in the power of words to help people change their lives. Learn more at https://www.stickfiguresolutions.com/
Go to the profile of LibrariAnna
Anna Eliza Rose. Neurodivergent librarian, married mom of 4, bisexual. Writes about sex, love, life. Overthinking everything since 1982. www.interestedinsex.com
Go to the profile of Ute Luppertz 💫
Ute Luppertz 💫
Seeker of Mysteries, Animal Lover, Wisdom Keeper 🌿 https://linktr.ee/petspointofview
Go to the profile of Patricia Jeanne
Patricia Jeanne
I write satire, tech-related, and personal essays. Interests include cybersecurity, tech use & Neuroscience. Lizzie Lizard Brain is my darker, funnier side.
Go to the profile of Liat Portal
Liat Portal
Subscribe to my show on Substack. https://liatportal.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Michelle Proctor
Go to the profile of Val Thorne
Val Thorne
Writer, thinker, photographer, and old soul.
Go to the profile of Tara Nicole Szkutnik
Tara Nicole Szkutnik
In therapy for most things I write about. Founding editor of Chronic Support Group. https://linktr.ee/cazimimedia
Go to the profile of Nic Rafael
Nic Rafael
Ex medical doctor ➠ entrepreneur, writer & mental health advocate ✣ Writing about mental health & self-care, first-time parenthood, & career change
Go to the profile of Lainey J. Bachman
Lainey J. Bachman
Finding my voice in memoir and essays. Ordinary woman, walker, biker, and hiker. Everyday survivor. I write essays about childhood trauma, nature, and healing.
Go to the profile of Sherry McGuinn
Sherry McGuinn
Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado. sherrymcguinn@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Isioma Ononye
Isioma Ononye
👩‍💻I write about self-esteem, faith, mental health, women’s issues, social media & TV + Film Reviews. 📩Newsletter: https://substack.com/@isiomaononye
Go to the profile of Ned Weidner
Ned Weidner
Professor. Writer. Horseman. Entrepreneur. Certified wild. http://www.stepintoyourwild.com/ https://www.thegodsofwildthings.com/
Go to the profile of Natalie Rivers
Natalie Rivers
Aspiring writer passionate about memoirs and short stories. Exploring storytelling and honing my craft. Inspired by personal experiences. Lover of storytelling!
Go to the profile of Charles Amemiya
Charles Amemiya
Formerly incarcerated life/organizational development coach, speaker, technical writer, and social responsibility advocate. www.charlesamemiya.com
Go to the profile of Sarah Kyomugisha
Sarah Kyomugisha
I don't have much. I only have stories to tell.
Go to the profile of Bell
Travel blogger, designer and writer ✈️🌍👩‍🎨 traveloffscript.com __ You can support me and my writing here: https://ko-fi.com/bellks :)
Go to the profile of Gordon J Campbell
Gordon J Campbell
A Canadian living in Kawasaki, Japan. He’s working on his second thriller novel following The Courier, and protagonist, Gregg Westwood. www.gordonjcampbell.com
Go to the profile of LelaVu
I like to combine the past and the present. Stories are all around us.
Go to the profile of Joshua Joe-McIndoe
Joshua Joe-McIndoe
From New Zealand. Wandering, photography enthusiast + the ocean. Currently travelling for the past year and a bit and counting = travel stories
Go to the profile of Matt Adell
Matt Adell
Go to the profile of Tree Langdon
Tree Langdon
I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Jody Ridzi
Jody Ridzi
Mom, Teacher, Student of Life. Blogging with my daughter at piesofjuly.com
Go to the profile of Ruchama
Short story writer, mother, wife, Jew, essayist, editor. My novels were published by St. Martin's Press, New York Review Books, & Open Road Media
Go to the profile of Pat Burns
Pat Burns
Published book. GRAND Magazine Journalist & Lifestyle Editor. Co-founder Orange County Children's Book Festival & Founder S.T.E.A.M. Reading Challenge
Go to the profile of Julia Bacelar
Julia Bacelar
Just a writer with a touch of intellect, a dash of sarcasm, and an unhealthy fondness for ellipses...
Go to the profile of Kayt Margaret
Kayt Margaret
Wander Words - In my chaotic era. Writing my heart out to heal my brain.
Go to the profile of Skylar Clark
Skylar Clark
Stressed PhD student and aspiring creative. Trying to get back into writing.
Go to the profile of Chris Köpruner
Chris Köpruner
I savour single origin coffees, collect their mortal remains and I'm a writer.
Go to the profile of Not Even Wine With Dinner
Not Even Wine With Dinner
Writer of stories on life, love, loss, liquor and the daily struggles with sobriety. My mantra is to "Find Yourself and Love What You Find".
Go to the profile of Dale Kaye
Dale Kaye
I'm an US disabled Vet living in Scotland, and have been here for 38 years. I've done a lot but for the past 20 years, I've been a Church of Scotland Minister.