Go to The Middle Way
The Middle Way
Observations on life, learning as we go, and living with purpose. To contribute, email writemediumstories@gmail.com.
Note from the editor

Observations on life, learning as we go, and living with purpose. To contribute, email writemediumstories@gmail.com.

Go to the profile of Mary Lan
Mary Lan
Founder of Higher Self Apothecary ✦ Unrepentant Polymath ✦ UX/CX/Business Strategy ✦ Not the only Dreamer (never let anyone convince you to stop TRYING)
Go to the profile of Daisy Jiang
Daisy Jiang
Tech marketer, storyteller, mama & wifey. Pragmatist. Active living. Toronto-based. www.lifeofthekims.com
Go to the profile of Timothy Braun
Timothy Braun
Writer for NY Times, Huffingtonpost, Medium, Good Men Project, The Weeklings. Taco Ambassadors for Taco of Texas. timothybraun.com.