Destroying the Western World Order

What Russia and China’s alliance means for the West

John Polonis
Published in
7 min readJul 21, 2022


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Russia and China have established a new economic and security network aimed at destroying the Western world order. They each have their own motivations for doing so, but with a common adversary in “the West”, their partnership is mutually beneficial. It’s obviously a problem for western countries, including the United States, its European allies, and Asian countries like Japan and South Korea.

A North-South world order dominated by Russia and China would bring more autocracy, with less civil liberties and freedom of expression. It is a direct counter to the Western democratic world order that has been in place since the end of World War II. And it is the strongest counter since the Soviet Union.

The shocking part of it all is that many in the West do not view it as a significant threat. Yes, an economic and security network led by Russia and China has united many Republicans and Democrats in the United States, but it has also inspired others to denounce America.

On Medium alone, numerous articles have appeared on the moral equivalency between the U.S. and Russia and China. How the U.S. system should be destroyed (even though America is doing fine). How the western world order should be blown up (figuratively, I think) and…



John Polonis

Lawyer writing on law & politics, artificial intelligence, and the future of it all.