Drops of Genius— One Sentence Rules for Business Success #6

What are one sentence rules that have helped you attain success in business?

Fractal Solutions LLC
3 min readJul 16, 2018


Here are the top picks from our diverse group of respondents…

If you think for if and buts, you can never do business.

If you think about failures and start looking for precautions, your life ends there.

You have to take on challenges and keep finding ways.

Hemang Rindani, Founder of EexE Management

Treat every customer/client like gold.

Never ever cut any corners.

Carefully hire only the strongest and best job applicants.

Business ownership is a roller coaster ride so ride the ups and downs.

Christopher Earley, Esq., Law Office of Christopher Earley

Sell now, iron out the details later.

Cash is king, debt is death, and clients are what pay your employees.

If you’re not profitable, you’re not a real business yet — keep selling.

Being cheap is not a bad thing, it is the best way to remain profitable.

Treat every client as if they are the most important person in the universe.

Cut negative employees off as soon as physically possible, toxicity spreads like wildfire.

Zachary Rose, CEO of ZackAcademy.com

The comeback is always stronger than the setback.

Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.

When work throws you bullshit, plant a garden.

Fabien Marpaux, GM of Eonic HK

If you succeed the first time, it’s probably because you’re lucky.

Don’t let failure put you off.

Your greatest lessons honestly come from the times things don’t work out.

Always treat your customers the way you’d like to be treated, and never take them for granted.

There’s no one hard and fast rule for success, but it’s more likely to come if you work hard, listen hard, and have faith in yourself.

Logan Estop-Hall, CEO of Rebelhack

Restructure your staff, don’t rehire.

Alexander Winston, Managing Director of PPC Protect

Serve as many people as you can, as well as you can, and the money will follow.

Sell them what they need, not what you think they want.

Mark Black, CSP, Speaker, Author, & Life Strategy Coach

Make time to care for yourself.

Frances Reimers, Principal at Firestarter

Relentless action + proven strategy = guaranteed success.

Never do business with a desperate person.

People buy benefits not products.

Tyler Bream, Product Launch Manager at http://tylerbream.com/

