The Mission Daily, 11/7/17

25 Business trends to look out for in 2018, some amazing women, and how to overcome writer’s block

3 min readNov 7, 2017


Figuring out what the next big trend is tells us what we should focus on. -Mark Zuckerberg

Today’s Top Story

25 Business Trends For ROI in 2018 and Beyond by Chad Grills —Start 2018 out strong by familiarizing yourself with these 25 emerging business trends now. Dominate the rest of the year, and all of next! 💪 💪

Wonderful Women

10 Brilliant Women Entrepreneurs on Parenting, Perspective, and Life by Sarah Kathleen Peck — Women entrepreneurs are one of the fastest groups of people changing the business landscape. Here’s what they’re saying about parenting, motherhood, life, and business.

Change Leader: Veteran Zoe Dunning by Future State — Retired U.S. Navy Commander Zoe Dunning helped lead the successful campaign to bring LGB civil rights to one of the world’s most complex workforces: The United States military. Today, as a management consultant, she brings those skills to her clients. This is her story.

The Story

Hurry Up by Chad Grills — The little known backstory of one of the most destructive forces mankind has ever created.

“When you sacrifice your own present comfort in the service of your future self, those you care about, and future generations.”

Daily Writing Tip

How Famous Writers Overcome Writer’s Block and Reawaken Their Creativity by Nicole Bianchi — Learn from the greats. These seven strategies will help you get back in your creative flow.

“How time flies; another ten days and I have achieved nothing. It doesn’t come off. A page now and then is successful, but I can’t keep it up, the next day I am powerless.” -Franz Kafka

Daily Reading Tip

Brought to you by Chad Grills

Holly Hanson asks, “Can you address different reading speeds and reading styles? And merits of them all?”

Virginia Woolf has a terrific essay that partly answers your question called, How Should One Read a Book. She basically says that,

The only advice, indeed that one person can give another about reading is to take no advice.

I would add that personally, I’ve tried to explore many reading styles. I’ve experimented with speed reading, and found it wasn’t that effective. I do think that speed listening to audiobooks and podcasts is great, so I do that regularly. But for books, I find that I have the best time when I take my time and enjoy them at my own speed. So try out many approaches, and jot down some notes about each in your journal.

And Don’t Miss This…

The Value of You — Start Your Journey by Christopher Connors

“Where are you going? Where have you been? What are you doing about it NOW? I ask you these questions because I find that in order to know how to live the life of our dreams, we need to make peace with where we’ve been, and we need to understand how to take action. While everything begins with a thought, we need a plan. And we must be willing to act!”

Christopher Connors new book, The Value of You, will be released tomorrow, but, for those of you that can’t wait, you can pre-order it now.

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