The Potential Downside of College

The right way to get news, becoming the best you, and book advice from the master. — Your #1 Newsletter for Accelerated Learning

3 min readOct 24, 2017


“Life can only be understood backwards but you have to live it forward. You can only do that by stepping into uncertainty and by trying, within this uncertainty, to create your own islands of security….The new security will be a belief that …if this doesn’t work out you could do something else. You are your own security.” -Charles Handy

High School is Over: Should You Go to College?

The popular notion in the US today is that if you are a reasonably-competent, ambitious young person, you’d do yourself a disservice by not going right into college at 17 or 18.

“Going to college will increase your lifetime earnings by $1M!”

“Sure, there are people who have built successful, lucrative, happy careers without a college degree, but what’re the chances that you’ll be one of them?”

“You should just get your degree as quickly as possible, the rest of life can wait.”

These examples of (real) advice given by peers, teachers, parents, and guidance counselors are the wrong ways to think about your education. They tend to focus on probabilities and insurances. The probability of making more money increases with a degree for the average person. The probability of needing a college degree to be successful is higher for the average person. The probability of being a lawyer, doctor, or accountant drastically increases with a degree.

But you aren’t a lottery ticket. It doesn’t make sense to think in terms of probability. Unpredictable factors can always arise that can throw off all of your best predictions, and when that day comes, you’ll have to be in the driver’s seat to make the decisions concerning how to proceed forward.

-Zak Slayback

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