The problem with Fuck Monday, Thank God it’s Friday

Jess Semaan
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2016

Whenever Friday comes, my social media is flooded with Thank God it’s Friday, OMG it’s the weekend, #friyay (this word should be banned), and a celebration of the upcoming days off of drinking, binge watching, eating, basically doing something that falls in the category of enjoying life, often it’s more like escaping life.

When Monday comes, my social media is flooded with hate on Monday. The Monday blues, not wanting to go to work, and even weekend hangover complaints.

Somehow it is socially acceptable, and encouraged to hate on Mondays, and praise Fridays, instead of wondering why does it have to be this way? What would life look like if we looked forward to Monday?

What would life look like if Friday was just another day? If weekdays were enjoyable and equally valued?

The problem with Fuck Monday and Thank God is Friday, (FMTGIF) is twofold:

1. We are settling and accepting a 67% shitty year, life (5 out of 7, assuming you do take your holiday).

I have spoken, written and begged about this so often, and I want to repeat that we tend to settle because we are afraid of the unknown, and we are masters at rationalizing our fear using excuses such as: I need the money, I am too old to change, I do not think I am good enough at doing something else, I have no time. In turn we numb our feelings including the most important one for change, passion, and we do not even entertain the idea of pursuing something that we love on the side, one hour a week, a month, even a year.

In the case of FMTGIF, we have the consensus society supporting our stagnation, and encouraging us to settle, because everyone is doing it, and if everyone is doing it that means it is right. WRONG.

2. We are not maximizing our potential.

I was listening to 99% invisible podcast, share the story, of the average person. It all started in the military, they created average person’s size, height, etc. and they built the fighters’ cockpits according to the average person. Only to realize years later, that it was uncomfortable for the pilots, because no one is actually average. They eventually switched to adjustable design.

Just like the army pilot, you are also not average, because average is just an imagined concept.

The question is then why do we all have to force ourselves into an average person working week? Who said this is what works for us?

Are we limiting our potential? What if we can produce in 3 days a week? Or 10 days in a row? The only way to figure that out, is to get to know your rhythm .

I write this only to implode you to question. To think twice before encouraging this settling average mentality, which is clearly not serving neither us nor our society as a whole.

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