Go to The Misters
The Misters
What happens when the carefree partying of ‘Old School’ meets the stark reality of ‘The Office’? You get ‘The Misters’ — a tale of friendship and community, sprinkled with a modern twist…
Note from the editor

In addition to exploring the trials and tribulations of being human, ‘The Misters’ reflects on our journey through life — symbolized by the progression from a full to an empty Corona bottle. This metaphor represents our fading hopes, dreams, and aspirations as life’s responsibilities take over. The Misters face a series of funny, challenging, and heartfelt obstacles, mirroring our own experiences as the Corona bottle empties along the way.

Go to the profile of Gerry Roy
Gerry Roy
Sharing experiences, strength, and hope through the nostalgic stories of ‘The Misters’ and life lessons, one story at a time.
Go to the profile of B Cook