
Photo by DYSPLA

DYSPLA wants you to write more, to write with us, and to submit your work to other organizations that are actively recruiting writers like us!

Vital Xposure in partnership with Paines Plough, Bush Theatre, and Theatre 503 presents Wellspring, a bespoke professional program for London-based disabled, Neurodivergent, and D/deaf playwrights and scriptwriters only.

The program aims to give participants the tools and confidence to tell their stories and connect them to London’s new writing-producing theatres, building sustainable relationships and careers.

Click on Vital Xposure for the application page.
22 July 2021

For questions or information about the program, email: wellspring@vitalxposure.co.uk and let them know DYSPLA told you about the program.

Good luck!

If you identify as Neurodivergent and would like to write for The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic, please email: lennie at dyspla dot com, or leave a comment below.

This publication is highly curated and we may change the image or/and layout of your content to fit within the publication’s aesthetic. However, we never touch the text, not even if you have spelling mistakes, so please do your best to check your work before submitting it.Love Lennie and Nim,



Lennie Varvarides
The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic — MONDA

London-based dyslexic creative working in development. Founder of DYSPLA, founding editor @ The Museum of the Neurodivergent-Aesthetic.