Go to The Music Magnet
The Music Magnet
From music history to artists that have defined music through different eras of time, spanning every genre, The Music Magnet brings you handpicked stories, playlists, tributes & music that appeals to music lovers all over the world irrespective of the kind of music you prefer
Note from the editor

From music history to artists that have defined music through different eras of time, spanning every genre, The Music Magnet brings you handpicked stories, playlists, tributes & music that appeals to music lovers all over the world irrespective of the kind of music you prefer

Go to the profile of Gaurav Krishnan
Gaurav Krishnan
Writer / Journalist | Musician | Composer | Music, Football, Film & Writing keep me going | Sapere Aude: “Dare To Know”| https://gauravkrishnan.space/