We Write the Scripts, You Make the Calls

Kylie Madden
The Nevertheless Project
2 min readJul 24, 2017

We here at The Nevertheless Project are big fans of the message CALL YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS. It’s important in these frightening times to let your voice and opinions be heard by those who directly bear the weight of the country on their shoulders.

In a previous post, we explained how to call your Members of Congress and gave you some sample call scripts to use for two major issues. We know it’s awkward. We know the idea of talking to another human being who may or may not have heard your same message hundreds of times already is daunting. We know the feeling that our call isn’t important enough, that it doesn’t matter what we say. We know those feelings, we get it. But it does matter.

Why call? Why not email? Because it’s so much harder to ignore a phone that is ringing off the hook. (If you don’t believe us, you can read this article here and here and here.) When I interned in the Senate, there were days that the phone would barely ring — and there were other days where it was so busy that every intern and low level staff were pulled off their other tasks to check and log the voicemail box.

But now we’re here to offer more.

We know calling is scary, and we want to help by writing you customized call scripts. They can be generic enough for an entire state, directed to a specific Member of Congress, or contain your personal story. We want to make it easier for you to pick up the phone and let your voice be heard.

If you’d like a custom call script, shoot us an email at theneverthelessproject@gmail.com. We’ll get you a script ASAP and email it back. If it’s applicable to others, we may even post it here.

Let’s get Congress’ phones ringing off the hooks with the voices of the people — but remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. One phone call alone isn’t going to leave a mark. One phone call in a week where everything is exploding isn’t going to leave a mark. You need to call and call regularly. Add it to your to do list, do it everyday because we’re in for a long four years and you deserve to be heard, not just the Orange Puppet who has access to Twitter.

P.S. Call your Senator, there’s a allegedly a vote on healthcare this week. (202) 224–3121.

Call your Senators. Call them RIGHT NOW.



Kylie Madden
The Nevertheless Project

A Gryffindor way into politics and making spreadsheets. // Personal blog: http://bit.ly/kyliemadden // Politics blog: http://bit.ly/nvrthelessproj