College Education: Is it for You?


Navigating the waters of high school while at the same time trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life is stressful, to say the least. With that being said a lot of kids end up just doing what everyone expects of them: go to college. I’m here to tell you that there are more options, especially if you don’t think college is right for you. In fact, there is a growing idea in the education community that we should allow kids to find out if college is for them and if not, what are their alternatives.

College isn’t what it used to be

Several decades ago, owning a bachelors degree was the ticket to a prosperous career in what ever field you studied. Today, there seems to be an oversaturation of degrees in the job market as more and more people can afford to go to college. Basically, the value of a bachelors and even a higher degree has drastically decreased over the past few decades. Now, I’m not trying to say college degrees are worthless, most professions still require some level of college. However, now more than ever, students should be asking themselves: is college right for me? Many students feel that college isn’t worth it anymore. Justin Brown, one of my fellow classmates writes, “Some students feel as if college just sets you up to be in debt and students may never apply for a job that requires their degree in the future” (Brown 2020). Justin is highlighting the fact that the value of a college degree has decreased over the past few decades, while the price of one has drastically increased.

What are your options?

If you finally decide college isn’t for you, do not worry. There are many other paths one could take on the road to success. An excellent example would be taking up a trade. Many high schools offer programs that allow students to get certifications so that they may get a job right out of high school. Good jobs like, cosmetologist, hair stylist, electrician and welder are just a few to mention. Alternatively, you could teach your self skills that may land you the job you want. There has been a growing number of online courses and certifications students can take that can get them on the right path to their dream job.

Moving forward

The growing belief that high schools should offer more avenues other than college is certainly a good one. Too many students put themselves into debt and waste four years to earn a degree they didn’t even want. There should be less pressure on students to go to college and more support for those who don’t. I believe more high schools across the country will begin to push other options that are more affordable than, and just as useful as, a college degree.

Brown, J. (2020, October 10). Value of knowing yourself — The importotance Personal Development. Medium.

