Is It My Job as a Woman To Encourage You To Treat Me Like a Person?

Apparently it is, and I’m tired of it

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo by Yakobchuk Olena from AdobeStock

Just think about the babies.

Think about all those precious lives.

They could be the next Einstein. Or Leonardo da Vinci. Or Elvis Presley.

They could change the world.


Following the fall of Roe v. Wade, I’ve heard countless anti-choicers say things like that while centring the abortion debate almost entirely on unborn foetuses. But what about the women carrying them?

Don’t we, and our lives, matter, too?

Or are we just vessels of reproduction? Baby ovens? Breeding machines? Walking wombs?

What about what we could become if we weren’t forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy? How many of us could change the world, too?

Are we — walking, breathing and undeniably alive people that happen to have uteruses — not worthy of at least the same amount of sympathy and respect as those beings formed inside of our bodies?

Are we not seen as people at all?

It sadly seems like it.

We’re just bodies that need to obey

