Bit by Bit

Where we are so far in the Bitizens development process

Jason Millena
The Notice Board
4 min readMay 25, 2018


Greetings, Guildmates!

The blockchain gaming industry is now teeming with new devs that have a plethora of ideas in utilizing blockchain tech. From when a handful of games where the trading of cats, countries, or cards with celebrity faces became a thing, we now have literally hundreds of games doing some pretty nifty stuff. Exciting times! For us, as Mikhail noted in his post here, there are some awesome things coming down the pipes with our website and portal.

As we build out Bitizens, our platform’s core avatar title, it’s no holds barred here as well. Things are moving faster for our dev team, so while everyone’s running at full steam, let’s take a peek at what we’ve got going so far.

Game Logo

Our artists have been sketching non-stop to provide us with a bunch of interesting options on how we want to represent the Bitizen world through the game logo. Here are a few samples.

There was a very natural attraction to utilizing a cityscape in the game’s early concept, primarily because of what we envisioned the game could become in the long run. So at the moment, this is the one we’ve been using for our demo.

We’ve grown quite fond of this iteration — let us hear your thoughts!

Hop on Discord! Let us know what you think of them. We’re looking to get something that represents our game well, while leaving the design just open ended enough that we can scale in as many ways as possible.


It’s always awesome to see the progress of an item from conception to integration. We’re building out a very capable 3D team here, and at the moment, they’re creating some pirate outfits at our in-house studio from the 2D concepts on the left. Yargh!

Next up we have a cowboy outfit. Don’t know about you, but I want that hat.

And we can’t forget the rare and precious Founder’s Items! These are coming to life in 3D as well, and will be delivered to those who qualify when Bitizens is launched.

From a 2D painting…
…to a 3D model! (shades not included)

User Interface

The UI is also moving along. We’re in the process of testing out different shapes and treatments to refine it, such as how the rarities will look within the player’s inventory in this case. Check these screens out.

As with all other works in progress, the images in this post may not necessarily reflect what goes into the final product.

Team Expansion

We’ve got a ton of content all planned out and are ready to start churning. To make sure we can build all of it out, we’ve been scaling up our team quite a bit over the last month. This includes more UI/UX artists, 2D concept artists, 3D artists, and producers.

TJ, hard at work on the Bitizen models.
Nina, figuring out logos.

That’s all the updates for this week. As we continue to progress, I’m happy to share more stuff we’ve built and are currently working on in my next post. Stay tuned!

— Jason Millena, Head of Product & Design at BitGuild

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

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