Detailed TRON SR Rewards Distribution Plan from BitGuild

We lay out exactly how we’ll be dishing out the 115% TRX rewards to our voters!

The Notice Board
2 min readSep 21, 2018


We’re absolutely thrilled with the overwhelming amount of support we’ve received from the community since announcing our TRON Super Representative candidacy just a few days ago. In less than 48 hours, not only did we reach SR status, but we’ve landed firmly in the top 5 out of the 27 available slots.

We couldn’t have done it without those of you who voted for us — Thank you!

Reward Distribution Details

Block production rewards are calculated every cycle (6 hours). After 4 cycles (24 hours), 115% of our block production rewards (in TRX) will be distributed back to our voters based on the percentage of their votes cast for BitGuild compared to the total number of votes cast for BitGuild.

In addition, BitGuild will be distributing 115% of candidate rewards (115,200 TRX per 6-hour cycle distributed to the top 127 SR candidates, based on the percentage of votes they command) to voters as well. These rewards will be distributed together with block production rewards.

What does that mean?

For example, if BitGuild had 200,000,000 total votes, a user who voted 200,000 TRX would make up 0.1% (200,000/200,000,000) of the total vote, therefore earning a reward of:

6 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds / 3 second blocks / 27 SRs * 32 TRX reward = 8,533 TRX cycle reward * 0.1% * 115% = 9.813 TRX.

If BitGuild had a total of 2% of the total candidate votes, the voter would earn an additional reward of:

115,200 TRX candidate reward * 2% = 2300 TRX * 0.1% * 115% = 2.645 TRX.

In total, the voter would earn 12.458 TRX per voting cycle. Assuming these parameters don’t change on the user side, after 4 voting cycles (1 day), 49.832 TRX would be automatically sent to the voter’s wallet.

When are you distributing?

Rewards will be distributed daily between 2:00–2:30 A.M. UTC.
The first reward distribution will take place on Saturday, September 22nd.

Do you want to participate? If you don’t know where to start, you can check out our guide — otherwise, head directly to!

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

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