Introducing GuildChat — An app that makes crypto simple for everyone

Open BETA for our latest app can now be downloaded

The Notice Board
2 min readOct 4, 2018


We just launched the open BETA of our latest endeavor, GuildChat.

We’re excited to bring this new app to the market, with our primary goal being to provide the simplest solution for using cryptocurrency in everyday life.

To promote the launch of GuildChat’s open beta, we’ll be giving away 5 Million TRX via our Coin Drop feature. As soon as you join, you’ll be automatically invited to an official GuildChat group, so keep your eyes peeled for some free tokens! We’ll be doing PLAT Coin Drops as well, and are working on integrating other community reward features in the near future. Learn how to set up your wallet here.

GuildChat users will be able to send and receive any ERC20 and TRC10 tokens between friends and community members alike, through the integrated wallet features — all from within a simple and easy to use chat interface.

Our primary and most exciting of these features is the Coin Drop. It’s a really fun and easy way to send cryptocurrency to groups, allowing users to select the number of recipients, the type and number of tokens to send, as well specify how they would like the total number of tokens to be split — in even or random quantities among members.

Send and receive tokens in an innovative, fun, new way!
Store your tokens safely in both Centralized and Decentralized wallets!

By integrating these features into the core of GuildChat, and providing an engaging social ecosystem around them, we hope to create a place where both new and veteran cryptocurrency users can come together, pushing adoption to new and wider audiences.

Post special moments for your friends to see and interact with!

Participate in GuildChat’s Open BETA today and experience the first social networking app built for crypto enthusiasts:

Download on iOS

Download on Android

Learn how to set up your wallet

Tell us what you think! Send all feedback to

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

Join the community on Twitter, Discord, Telegram, and Facebook.

