nTitle Progress Update: June 22nd

The nTitle Network
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2018

We’re excited to present our latest progress update! We will touch upon eSports, a growing marketing team, a new website and whitepaper, recent events, upcoming events and last but not least, our new Gaming Advisor!

You can always keep track of our developments in real time via our social channels:


Let’s kick off with our marketing team. — We’re hiring!

In order to boost our marketing efforts leading up to our ICO, we decided to increase our manpower, which is why we’re looking to fill several positions. We’ve already been really busy selecting candidates and will make some announcements soon. We’re always open to more applications — check our job posts on https://angel.co/ntitle/jobs

A key addition to our team

We are pleased to announce our new Gaming Advisor — Reinout te Brake.

Reinout te Brake is well known in the international gaming business. With more than 15 years of experience, publishers, developers, entrepreneurs and CEO’s of large corporations seek his advice on technical, operational, strategic and commercial matters. Reinout established his credentials through investments, start-ups and board positions that led to strong bonds with key stakeholders in this fast-paced industry.

Perfection takes time..

Which is why we allowed ourselves a little extra time to finish our whitepaper and website revamping. But it’ll be worth the wait. We’re currently adding the final touches and we’ll soon come out with a bang! So make sure to follow us on social media to be the first to get your hands on it!

Meanwhile our tech team has made some impressive progress

The development of our bcommerce middleware is underway. This will allow for seamless high-volume transactions of digital assets between gamedevs, gamers and influencers.

Each of these three stakeholders will have a dedicated dashboard to manage their asset licenses, referrals and sales.

This multi-actor interaction is supported by our hybrid mobile DApp which is also under development for both iOS and Android.

More info will be available in our new whitepaper — until then, you can already have a look at the architecture:

nTitle official eSports team sponsor?

We are currently in touch with an eSports team we can’t reveal the name of yet. We’re excited to explore the possibilities of sponsorship and co-marketing with them. More info soon!

It was a pleasure to meet you!

We’ve been to the Dutch Game Summit 2018 in Amsterdam where we’ve initiated promising relationships with indie game developers.

Our team in Poland has given presentations at the Dragon Valley Tech Talk in Kraków about blockchain tech, Ethereum, DApps and of course nTitle!

Looking forward to meeting again!

nTitle will have a booth at the Blockchain Expo Europe on 27–28 June in Amsterdam. Our CEO will be speaking about how blockchain commerce will impact the gaming industry. You can grab a free ticket to the expo right here: Free Ticket

In the meantime, you can come chat to us and stay up to date with our latest developments via our social channels:


Missed our previous update? You can catch up here: nTitle Progress Update May 24th



The nTitle Network

nTitle revolutionizes the gaming industry by removing the restrictions imposed by third party marketplaces and gives game developers and gamers back their power