Medium to Kindle — A Journey

4 mins to 4 hours

Shanmuga Boopathy
The Oblivion
3 min readDec 12, 2019


Writing had never been my area of interest, until the day I encountered a concept that I felt was worth being penned as a full-fledged novel. As soon as I got the idea, I spent a couple of weeks preparing the outline of the story and it came out better than I had expected. That was when I was struck by the baffling question, “Will I able to write?” I had no answers to that and shared the story and my wish to write a book with my best friend. She suggested me to write short stories and gave the idea for my first blog. That was when I started writing for the first time. I had no confidence when I typed the first word, but soon I got involved in the story and experienced the true happiness of writing. This was my first blog: What Happens When I Write a Blog!

As months rolled by, I posted many such short stories and really enjoyed the process. I would always check the average time to read the blog, and it never went past 4 mins. I had almost forgotten why I had started writing such blogs, when during our regular coffee break, my friend, Kavya Saroja, told me about the book she had read recently. We usually discussed a lot about writing and stories, but the very idea of writing a book had faded from my mind. Thereupon came the spark, and I instantly shared the outline of the story with her. She immediately liked it, and we decided to co-author it.

After sharing every chapter with her, she would ask me what would happen next. I could sense that the screenplay was very engaging even from the zeroth draft. Most of the time, my answer would be, “I still haven’t figured it out.” Once everything was in place, she started her role of adding details to the character and scene and vocabulary usage which made every chapter more alluring. We had read so many articles about how to write a book and techniques to market the book. One such technique was to inform our friends about the book we write in order to create expectations and help us speed up our work, and more importantly, it meant no backing off. We informed our close friends by the month of July. From then on, though we were constantly pressured to release the book soon, we worked patiently without taking any, perfecting the drafts, as all we wanted was a perfect novel.

On Dec 5th after a year-long journey, we have published our first book on Kindle, DuOrb (Two world), a sci-fi novel based on multiverse. Though we had initially started it as a novella, eventually, it transformed into a full-fledged novel and also has leads for a sequel, which we plan on writing soon. As soon as it got published on Kindle, the first thing I checked was the read-time. It showed around 4 hours, what I had always wished for. It was bliss!

This is my first non-fiction blog describing all my fiction stories. We wish to write many such books in the coming days.

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Shanmuga Boopathy
The Oblivion

Author | co-author of DuOrb, a science fiction suspense thriller