A Year of Garbage Movies #85, “The Adventures of Pluto Nash” (2002)

Brandon Dockery
The Offbeat Movie Emporium
2 min readJun 10, 2019


I have two theories about the creation of this movie.

  1. Hollywood tried to use a Moon Stone on Eddie Murphy so he would evolve into Wesley Snipes, but it didn’t work.
  2. There was a The Fifth Element video game planned for the Sega Dreamcast, but it got scrapped and they used the leftover CGI to make this movie instead.
Hey guys! I remembered that the Smart Select tool exists, but not how to use it effectively!

Look, I’m a simple man. I see Randy Quaid is in a movie, I watch it. It reminds me of a simpler time when his antics were on-screen fun and not…you know, what they are now in real life.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash isn’t a great movie, especially considering its massive budget of $100 million, but I don’t see any of the egregious flaws that most of the movies on this list have. I seem to be in the minority opinion on this, but I suspect the effect here is similar to Furry Vengeance, which I had to watch earlier this year. A meme developed around the poor quality of the movie and everyone seems to have just jumped on the bandwagon, leaving anyone out of the loop a little confused about the vitriol poured on it in the comments section.


  • Probably the last painful movie I’ve watched by far
  • Confirmation that I’m not crazy and Pam Griere just didn’t age for around 20…



Brandon Dockery
The Offbeat Movie Emporium

It’s not about the destination, it’s about complaining every step of the way there. Writing published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, The Haven and Robot Butt