Animal Justice Party


Unsurprisingly, this party is all about justice for animals. Wow, who would have guessed?

Clearly not obvious at all.

But like that annoying vegan in front of you at the cafe asking why all of their menu options have animal products, their policy is a bit much to call them tolerable. But despite the fact that they’ve not been embroiled in any scandals recently (surprising for a minor party with seats in the NSW and Victoria Upper Houses), I’m sorry AJP, you’re a little bit trash.


Again, no real surprises here. Nearly all of their policy is about protecting animal rights, whether that’s for native animals, pets, or the use of animals for sport. They also have position statements on some non-animal related things such as same-sex marriage and treatment of asylum seekers, but even their policy for “humans” is more focused on the treatment of animals.

However, they also want to protect introduced species, stop kangaroo culls and end the use of animals for scientific experimentation. Which is noble I guess, until you realise that we don’t have any effective ways to get around those particular problems we are currently harming animals for.

Vote for them if

You like your pet better than people.

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