Independents for Climate Action Now


This party is a bit of an oxymoron. You see, they claim that they’re a group of independent candidates all brought together by their desire for real change on climate change. But by now being members of this political party, they’re not independents anymore. So technically, the party’s name is a bit of a lie.

But really there isn’t much else to criticise the party on. They are aware of the dangers climate change presents and desperately want to do something about it, which I kind of have to applaud them for.

But why would I turn down the opportunity to give them the rating that most closely matches what the Earth will look like in 100 years time?


Their policy is based around the idea of an “emergency response” to climate change, and if you know any of the research, you know why that’s needed.

That means they want things like 100% renewable energy, a managed phasing out of all fossil fuels, and a carbon pricing system, as well as putting things in place for when the irreversible changes to the climate really screw with us, like emergency response planning and heatwave response planning.

It’s very hardcore, but honestly, hardcore might just be what we need.

Vote for them if

You know how fucked we are with climate change.

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