How to Get Tunnel Vision to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams Faster

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
7 min readFeb 26, 2018

In today’s world, we may find it harder to reach our goals because we are pulled in so many different directions. We are told we have to have a major social life, go to school, stack money from a job or business, have a partner, and start a family. With just those few things, there are even more responsibilities attached. Some of those things are not even a part of our real dreams and goals, but because society tells us that’s what we have to have to be wildly successful, so we do it anyway.

I am guilty of trying to live like the rest of the world too, which is why it took me a little longer to get on my path to success.

After graduating from college, moving to a new city, and landing a job as a teacher, I got engaged six months later. Was I in love? Of course, but I knew since I was a teenager that I wouldn’t get married until I was in my late 20s or early 30s. And eventually, my fiance and I broke up for various reasons, but I am quite sure one of them was timing. I accepted a proposal when that wasn’t what I really wanted in that phase of my life.

What I really wanted was to be free. I deeply desired to do my own thing for the next five to seven years. In college, I had traveled and studied all over the US, Europe, South America, and a few islands. That was just the beginning of what I would call an exploration for me.

I was not ready to give all of this up, and I doubt if I ever will.

A few months ago, I quit my job as a teacher and launched into full time entrepreneurship. That was another moment for me to realize that my life looks nothing like what society has impressed upon me.

I had to find out what I really wanted to do and to let go of what other people expected of me.

When people hear the word tunnel vision, they immediately think a person is not aware of what is going on around them. It’s like they are out of touch with society. Sometimes, that is exactly what you need to be your own definition of success.

Think for a moment about what you deeply desire out of your life. Forget what your family or friends said you should do. Stop watching what the famous people of the world are doing. Dream for you.

Now, take that vision and run with it!

Carrying out your vision is a daily task. It does not happen every night, so you have to take action towards it. Will Smith explains it like adding a brick each day to build an entire wall over time. The wall, your vision, will come to fruition before you know it, but you have to reject anything that will stop you from manifesting it.

Here are 4 tips you can use every single day to help you achieve your dreams and goals much faster:

Use Your Night Routine to Prepare for the Next Day

So many people have a morning routine, but they do not even consider what needs to be done for that day. They wake up hurrying along to figure it out in the morning, which can throw off their morning routine.

Plan in advanced what all you need to do for the next day. List out at least five things that can be realistically accomplished. Set time limits for when this has to be done throughout your day.

This will help you to fall asleep faster, instead of staying up later feeling the stress of tomorrow. Getting it all down on paper is a psychological release of anxiety.

Set a Strategic Morning Routine

Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it. -Richard Whately

Yes, you need a morning routine. I won’t tell you to wake up at 5:00am, when you can barely make it for 8:00am. Try getting up at least one hour earlier. Before even praying, I recommend you spend five minutes in a state of gratitude. Take the time to thank God for the things most people take for granted — having a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, a working bathroom, water on the night stand to drink that is clean.

If you are thankful for the small things, I promise, you will always be blessed with more.

This appreciative heart warms your heavenly Father’s heart to give you anything you want that you bring into prayer. As you pray, be affirmative. Tell God exactly what you know will happen for the day. Stop asking when you are allowed to go boldly to His throne. Pray in advanced as if what you want to happen has already happened. Your brain doesn’t know the difference, so the universe will bring those things to you without question.

Meditate on God’s word and positive mantras that fill up your soul. Listen to a faith-building message as well that will push you to go harder in your work. Only do the things that will take you one step closer to your vision.

What helps my mind open up for writing is when I have a cup of CBD Tea with Tinctures. It’s one of my favorites to boost my mood and help me have more clarity and insight as to what is truly my target and overall mission in life. Some of good products include bullet proof coffee for those of you who like to have their special morning cup of Joe and the superfood CBD smoothie if you have a little extra time to prepare it.

I am writing this article before I do anything else because I want to be a global thought-leader and influencer, so I refuse to even start getting dressed for the day. I am not moving out of this bed until this article is done.

That’s just how much focus you have to have. I don’t even recommend you to workout prior to doing what’s most important to your big vision. Workout afterwards so that all of your brain power can be channeled into the work that is most meaningful to you.

Eliminate Any Negative Environments

You are a sum total of the five people you spend the most time with. You take on their habits easily. You start talking and thinking just like them too.

Would you like who you would become if you didn’t change up your circle?

As I have been changing over the past year, I have noticed that I really don’t talk with the same people I used to. It’s not that I don’t love them. It’s just that I wouldn’t want to be like them.

Their lives don’t reflect what I could see myself having, so it’s best for me to keep my distance. Sure, I check on them from time to time, but my energy levels matter.

What I mean by this is when you spend time with people who are not striving towards the same thing as you are, you tend to feel completely drained. These people probably complain and don’t talk about things that will pull you higher. If you don’t have someone else who can lift you up, you typically keep going back to your past “comfort people.” You tell yourself that this is just normal. You should always hang out with who you grew up with or have known the longest.


As you change and expand, so should everything around you.

But I know they say:

“Oh, you think you’re too good now.”
“Don’t forget where you come from.”
“You aren’t better than any of us.”

The truth is that they are actually right…

You are too good to be brought down every single day. You should not forget where you come from, but you don’t have to stay there. You are not better than anyone else, but you want your life to be better than what it is now.

Decide who needs to stay in your life and who just has to go.

Even more than dealing with people, you need to clean up your space. After doing a massive cleansing, my entire being felt free. I was able to declutter and redecorate my workspace to stay motivated and focused.

Limit Your Time on Social Media

If social media is how you operate your business, then I recommend you automate your posts. It makes no sense to sit around spending hours all day getting your content out into the world scrolling through those platforms. That’s an easy distraction to comment on someone else’s posts or get caught up in a game. Find the best, most affordable system, and let it roll.

Now, if your social media accounts are not for business purposes, then you really have no real reason to be on their all the time. Set your limit to two hours per day. You should not be paying that much attention to someone, unless their platform is empowering you to be a better version of yourself.

My favorite strategy to eliminate distractions is just turning your phone off when you are engaged in a great work. This way, you can give all of your attention to the things that set your soul on fire. You can also do this when you just need to detach from the rest of the world. Trust me, your tunnel vision will really kick in. You’ll start taking massive action, and no one will be able to stop you.

Call to Action

If you’re looking to up level your entire life, then go ahead and follow me on Facebook or Instagram for free daily inspiration!



Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸