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The Open Book
The Open Book
The student blog for LIB100
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IFL Science

The IFL Science is Facebook page that posts statuses of recent events relevant to the Scientific community. Any Facebook user can comment, like or share these posts. The owner of this Facebook page is Elise Andrew, a British blogger and science communicator, and she is in charge of filtering the…


I have chosen the IFLScience Facebook page to examine the discussion of scholarly topics. It’s known for the “funnier” side of science, rather than a serious side. On the Facebook page scholars are communicating by posting memes and statuses about recent things happening in the scientific community. People…

Filter Bubble

“Filter Bubble”, according to Pariser’s speech in TEDtalk, is “your own personal, unique universe of information that you live in online”. It works by algorithm that behind internet to edit the information presented before individuals according to what they click on first, and then edit out the…