A Typical Family of Four

A satirical poem about my neurodivergent family

Nia Patterson
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2022


A family of four, Dad, Mom, and two kids walk down a road into the sunrise
Adobe Stock by Marco

I have a family of four.

Not typical. But blended.

Actually, there are six of us.

If you count the stepchildren.

I certainly do!

The nicest Nebraskan suburban family

We’re not a White family

People like a good mixed-race family

My partner is melanin-compromised

I’m…well…obviously doing okay for myself

The children are a bit of both

My family goes against the grain

Not 1950s Dad at work and Mom at home

We switch it up

We’re like the typical lesbian household

I go to work

Mom goes to work

I’m a dad and a mom and I still pay the rent.

We’re also progressive.

When we say “lean back,” we mean lean to the left.

Neither of us put Trump in office

In 2016 one of us didn’t vote at all.

She voted for high school president.

She keeps me young.

What I mean by “we’re different”

Is that we try to “stay relevant”

We’re a neurodivergent family!

Those whose brains think differently.

It’s important to keep up with the cool kids these days!

You may think, that is so great!

Everyone loves neurodiversity today

ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, Mental Illness.

We welcome it all.

And…Well…You’re not wrong

We support all of that

We advocate for all of these traits in our own children

I stand by it with both feet, ten toes, and nails to match.

My big boy Walter deals with ADHD

He constantly gets distracted

And staunchly hyperfocused

He forgets to eat and never listens

His OCD has him repeatedly touch anything new around him

Little Stevie is all about his OCD

He constantly chatters

And he can’t stop kissing people

We’re a little bit worried but so positive about it!

And he’s working hard on developing healthy boundaries

All four of us have OCD.

We’ve got ADHD too.

Depression? Got it.

Anxiety? Yup. Had it from the beginning.

We are trendsetters


We each accept the challenges life hands us every day

By each of us, I mean


My girlfriend

Steve the Cat

Oh, and Walter the Dog

Steve the cat and Walter the dog

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Nia Patterson
The Orange Journal

Nia Patterson (they/them) is a well-respected business coach, serial entrepreneur, and mental health advocate. They focus mainly on helping ADHD creatives grow!