Another Christmas Without Love

Nevertheless, Xmas will shine again

Uwem Daniels
The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2021


A dog is having Xmas, surely daddy will have Xmas with his girls.
Photo by Duffy Brook on Unsplash

Dear Santa,

My name is Jacob Etim, your admirer for close to 40 Christmases. For this once have I solicited your favour.

I love my beautiful daughters though I haven't seen them since last Christmas. So the situation constrains, that's why I implore your kindness to deliver this love letter.

It remains two days to tell Christmas' love tale. So, with Rudolph's speed, kindly make a stop at 'Eve's twilight before the charcoal expanse succumbs to the bright radiance of the fleeting stars.

I pray your haste, ‘cos if you fail, these daughters' love will fade away.

Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji on Unsplash


My darling girls,

I have failed you once again, and I don't know what I will say to win back your trust and refrain.

Unfortunately, I can't make it for Christmas yet again; I can't afford the journey to the Calabar's domain.

Due to the country's harsh economic downturn, your dad hasn't received payment still. That's why your mom had to homeschool you against our will.

My siblings in Canada have had to support your upkeep and feeding if you never knew. The pantry is bare, but be grateful for the morsel though few.

Unfortunately, you can't have a Christmas tree or presents or a visit to Santa. But, I've made arrangements for chicken, rice and your favourite gravy with pasta.

I feel ashamed for my lack, but It's not a betrayal of love. Though I'm handicapped, my passion is everlasting, of course.

Whatever the challenges you endure, remember daddy's love for you is always sure.

As surely as night follows day, we dream of another Christmas to play.

Lots of Love xxxxx


(PS: I need your vote as the 'The World's Best Dad!')

Hi, I'm Uwem Daniels! I'm an educator and writer from Nigeria. I share my experiences on Medium, and I'm reaching out to the less privileged. Unfortunately, the Medium Partner Program is unavailable in my country. I'd appreciate it if you could buy me a coffee as a token of support!

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