Be Kind To Yourself

There will always be items on your to-do list.

Monika Malan
The Orange Journal
Published in
1 min readFeb 19, 2022


Cartoon image of a very tired woman sitting down.
Licenced: Canva

I got about 4 hours of sleep last night because my son (almost 2) kept me awake.

So today, I felt like a zombie. However, my list of action items for the day didn’t magically disappear because I had a bad night.

But I realised I needed to be kind to myself.

I decided to take it easy instead of forcing myself to do the tasks on my list.

I realised that I probably wouldn’t do a perfect job anyway because I’m so sleep-deprived.

Plus, the items will still be there tomorrow. I’m not getting a noddy badge from anyone for pushing beyond my limits.

So I did some yoga, took a nap, and only did the most critical tasks for the day.

What can you do to be kind to yourself today?

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