Cause And Effect

The law of causality explained

Divyata Dewan
The Orange Journal
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2022


A magnet equipment
Photo by Nadir sYzYgY on Unsplash

If I tell you, this is no coincidence that a man is born into a specific set of families. The nose sitting on the face of the man is no coincidence. Every cell in the body, the organs constituting the cells, is no coincidence. The body carrying the soul is the effect of the cause preceding it or a chain of causes.

There is no one cause, no one effect. Man is the total sum of existing and pre-existing causes of his life. At this point, questions may arise, what is the law of cause and effect? And what kind of relationship does it share?

Evolution of a flower
Cause-> Seed, Effect-> Flower (Insta: @EdwardHowellPhotography)

What is Cause and Effect?

Cause and effect is the relationship between things or events where one results from the other or others. It is a combination of action and reaction.

A man may wonder what it has to do with his body, mind, and soul?

There is a law governing the multiverse. The multiverse constitutes one and many universes. Out of one of those verses, one universe comprises the solar system. Earth, being a part of the solar system. Man is a part of the Earth who, somewhere, probably would be indecisive about getting a rhinoplasty, a term used for a nose job.

Phenomena explained:

This phenomenon is very diverse and unique. Man is extraordinary, whose existence matters on this planet earth- the one who impacts everything about himself and everything around himself. This phenomenon holds value in every moment as I am talking. According to Sir Issac Newton’s third law of action and reaction, every action has a reaction. It states that when two bodies interact, they apply forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Books stacked up
Photo by Mikhail Pavstyuk on Unsplash

For example, the books on the bookshelf apply an equal and greater force to each other. In the same way, man needs to take conscious control of his behavior. Every cause has an effect. The specific impact can be of lesser, equal, or greater force. Man’s thoughts and actions will have an equal and opposite reaction. Thus man should restrain from sending anything out that man does not want to receive. The intent of the heart and actions of man will influence his future.

According to Buddhism and Hinduism studies, the cycle of rebirth is determined by karma, literally meaning action. Karma refers to activities driven by intention, a deed done deliberately through body, speech, or mind, leading to unforeseen consequences.

According to Hermetic philosophy, cause and effect explain that nothing happens by chance. Nothing comes from nothing, and everything that we see in our world results from causes. The majority of people we observe around us are effects-by the plan, will, and desires of others they think of as more potent than them.

Suppose a man goes through life being moved around like pawns on the chessboard instead of playing the game of life himself, then he will cease himself into becoming a being of causality. This unawareness will, in turn, make man realm of being others effects.

The principle of cause and effect teaches man that he is courageous enough to become a cause for himself and his surroundings. Therefore, a man should take a deep dive into his inner journey today, celebrate himself, appreciate himself and encourage himself to change the results of his life by understanding the cause of his existence.

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

Setting Right Causes!

Here is a small exercise.

This exercise intends to understand the true nature of your life, typically understanding the dominant causes of your life. True nature refers to emotional states, physical, mental, spiritual states.

Find a quiet place, sit down on a chair, couch, or anything comfortable.

Take deep breaths. Breathe in with your nose and breathe out with your mouth.

Please take a deep breath with your nose, pause, and let it go.

Repeat it at least 5–7 times.

Observe your eyes feeling relaxed.

Just breathe in and breathe out.

Understanding the correct breathing technique will help you clear up space for calmness to settle down in the center of your heart.

This moment in time will be the moment of retrospection. Understand the true causes of your existence; what truly matters for you the most?

Let me know how you feel by either writing to me personally or by commenting below.

Thank you for spending your precious time reading.

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Divyata Dewan
The Orange Journal

I am a transformational coach and a lifelong learner. I practice mindfulness and my goal is to transform life states with my writings.