Reasons for Emotional Instability

questions you need to ask yourself

Ghina Zaidi
The Orange Journal
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2022


a girl sitting cross-legged in the middle of a dim-lit parking lot with her hair covering her face completely
Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

This article is a result of my internal emotional battle and introspection. It is also a part of my “inspired-to-write” series. I might be guilty of some or all of these things. Let me know how you feel. Let’s begin.

1. Not Pushing Your Limits Enough:

We all love to talk about pushing our boundaries while staying in our comfort zone. Talking is so much easier than doing. What does a typical day in our lives look like? We get up, have breakfast, go to school/college/office, work like a donkey, get back home, and scroll through social media constantly. And then we complain about where all our time goes.

“I don’t have enough time, I can not do what I wanted to do,” and then go to sleep and the cycle repeats.

Have you ever had a moment when you took a step back and just saw your history?

If you never did it, please pause reading right now and check out your history of YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.

  • What did you watch there?
  • Did you watch something useful?
  • Did you get sidetracked?
  • Did you find anything productive?
  • If it was a productive thing, did you take any action?

We are stuck in our comfort zones. We sometimes try to get out but we are still not taking enough steps to work for it. Every required ignition needs a spark first.

It is the inner battle that we have with ourselves, we suppress what we want to do. You are working 5 hrs a day, push a little harder and make it 6, you are working 8 hrs a day try to squeeze in the work and get some time for yourself. Be efficient. You can do it.

2. Denial of Emotions:

We hate to admit that we are wrong, we hate to admit that we are hurt, we always want to be strong and show domination. Sometimes, to protect our emotions we even become ignorant of other people’s emotions as well. What we need to do is that we need to talk to ourselves — know ourselves first and then try to put our feet in other people’s shoes.

Some questions we can ask ourselves:

  • How would I feel about this if I was in their place?
  • What is it that this situation is making me feel?
  • How much time do I need to get over it?
  • How should I react?
  • How to convey my message while being considerate of other people’s feelings at the same time?

We take one step at a time. Control → Stability → Balance → Peace.

3. Procrastination/Not Giving Enough Time to your Tasks:

We tend to feel satisfied from within when we set our mind to something and we achieve it. There is no one thing you can focus on in this modern world with the hotchpotch of everything you can do. We want to do this and we want to do that and that and that and that and everything. Eventually, nothing is done. Why? Because nothing is prioritized.

We lag drastically on our schedule. We do not give time to important things. I will do it tomorrow, I will do it at 6:00 pm, oh it’s 6:05 pm now? I will do it tomorrow. This cycle continues to embed in our system and we eat up our productivity day by day.

This in return makes us feel unaccomplished, we are irritated with ourselves for not completing a task and we do not even realize it. Which in return makes us moody, irritated and, snappy at times. While the only thing we needed to do is just be true to ourselves. Make the tick mark on whatever we wanted to do. It is about making ourselves proud first.

4. Lack of Support and Confidence:

It is really unfortunate but certainly the reality that not all of us get the support and encouragement from our family, friends, and loved ones that we desire. It is a circle of life and history that is witness to such events every now and then. Humans being emotional in nature by default, feels neglected, feels angry and desperate at times. Ask yourself:

  • Am I not enough for myself?
  • Am I not the conqueror?
  • Am I not powerful?
  • Am I not unique?
  • Am I not the best in the world?
  • Am I not the most passionate about my work?

The answer is yes! Tell yourself you are all of these things. Happiness comes from within. Nothing can make you happy if you are not happy with yourself. No one can make you weaker if you do not allow them to do so.

It’s all about the inner stability with the self. It starts with you and the world is what you perceive it to be. Every action of yours has an equal and opposite reaction on yourself as well. Make it count.

Thank you so much for reading this far. If you liked this article, please support me and buy me a ko-fi here. It would mean the world to me as the MPP is not available in my country.

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Ghina Zaidi
The Orange Journal

Multi-Passionate Freelancer! writing poems and articles about the bitter society. Optimistic, detail-oriented. Writing for the love of it.