Thoughts Wander

And I wonder if that is okay

V Ernst
The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2022


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

As that song comes on the radio
I reluctantly acknowledge it
With false nonchalance
Trying in vain not to think of you

But seconds later I’m already
Back into the past
Into the club where you first touched me
The outdoor terrace where you first spoke to me
The park bench where we first kissed

And I guess it’s okay
Because happy recollections
Can do no harm

But seconds later I’m already
The pain that came after the joy
When your eyes
Lost their spark for me
And you stopped looking my way
You mouth no longer showing the hint of a smile in my direction

And I guess it’s okay
Because each time these feelings come
They carry a little less venom

But seconds later I’m already
Out of the past and into the present
Wondering where you are right this moment
If you ever think of me
And the things I’d say to you if given the chance

And I guess it’s okay
If wander in that overgrown field of what if for miles
For days
For years
Until I wander over the edge of the world
Still thinking of you

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V Ernst
The Orange Journal

Woman, mother, wife, artist…but before any of those I was a writer. Now ready to commit.