What’s next for OS.University? Thoughts on the project implementation

To succeed, OS.University implementation requires adaptation towards the individual needs of the different stakeholders and communities it serves.

Open Source University
The OS University Blog
4 min readJul 24, 2018


“OS.University is a mission-in-the-making and we will work on creating value for our users and community base strategically, not speculatively. We’ve always been different in that regard from the majority of crypto projects out there and we will remain different. On purpose.” ~ Hristian Daskalov, “Fair Value vs. Market Price of the EDU ERC20 Token”

A few weeks after the end of our crowdfunding campaign we are not only focused on the platform development but working even harder on partnering up with the businesses and organisations that will help the project implementation and the massive adoption. In the following lines we are sharing the thoughts on project implementation, originally written by Hristian in the first ever book on application of blockchain in education “Academia 4.0 — University on the Blockchain” (the book is available here — https://os.university/book/ Get your free copy NOW!).

Order free copy of the book here

“As a long-time social innovator and an open source researcher & enthusiast, I had a cultural shock observing what the blockchain world is turning for just a few years’ time. What started as a rebellious movement, equipped with the bold vision for a fairer and more democratic world, driven by open-source technology, today has become a highly commercial ecosystem where aggressive digital marketing is dominating over conversations about real-life problems that exist and the visionaries that are on a quest to solve them.

The blockchain is in many ways about cutting the “middle-man’’ (hence cutting cost and democratising transactions), yet the blockchain industry is flooded with all sort of men in the middle — marketing-dealers, pitching themselves as conference organisers or claiming to be journalists, etc. Among them ICO ‘experts’, ‘influencers’ and others, promising to bridge the gap with the global audience, while creating a void along the way, polluting the system.

Right from the start of our R&D journey 3 years ago (leading us steadily to www.os.university launch today), our team paid huge attention not to fall into the trash-marketing trap that I am observing all around the blockchain-world, no matter what consultancy we receive from industry ‘guru-s’ and what metrics we are shown, based on industry ‘best-practices’.

The value of the Open Source University decentralised platform and its underlying research work is far bigger than the cheap noise many crowdfunding campaigns create while they last without the intention of building a long-term community and product. We are about to redefine the world of learning and development not by flooding forums through missionaries, but by expanding our global team of corporate, academic and NGO leaders... “

“For this purpose, we started the OS.UNIVERSITY ambassadors’ network that stands behind our vision to create world’s academic and career development ledger on the Ethereum blockchain. One such change-maker that we met along the way is Mr. A V Ravi — our project ambassador in Eastern & North Eastern India. With more than 18 years of corporate experience behind his back, he is now helping graduates find employment through his “Pathfinder” project and his engagement with OS.UNIVERSITY.

Because of our unique approach on running our token sale campaign — by counting on change-makers, instead of noisemakers, I am always happy to see our project highlighted in international media.“

Get in touch with us to discuss how you can get on board of our global project, empowering 7 billion learners to connect to world’s top academic education and professional development opportunities on the Ethereum blockchain. “We need representatives in each nation around the world, in each community, university, and corporation. Read our white paper.

“It takes a village to raise a child.”

It takes a global village to crowdfund and implement a product as an outcome of a project, aiming to re-engineer a 1000 years old system. But it takes just a few minutes to dedicate on making that product better through feedback & ideas in order to achieve its goals and purpose.”

Want a copy of the book Academia 4.0 — University on the Blockchain. Order for FREE — https://os.university/book/

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